The Hasbro Marvel team checks in for the latest round of Q&A. There’s some updates on when we’ll be seeing the Iron Man animated line and a clue on who will be coming in Secret Wars. Unfortunately, my plea for Hasbro to just send me a Mighty Muggs Logan was far too subtle.
1. We’ll save the bulk of our San Diego Comic-Con questions for next Q&A, but here’s one for planning purposes. Will all the Marvel exclusives be available on And will there be any differences between what’s available at the con and what will be released through HTS?
Yes, they will be available online, but they usually go reaaaaly fast, so make sure to get them quick! They’ll be the same as the units that are sold at the show.
2. Speaking of, is there any way to tell when an item is just temporarily out of stock and will get replenished? For example, I haven’t been able to find a Mighty Muggs Logan (damn that thing is awesome) and he’s showing out of stock on HTS. What would you recommend that I do so I don’t miss him if more Logans become available?
Unfortunately, there is no mechanism to notify customers when an item comes available at the moment. We’d recommend bookmarking the Logan web page in your favorites and checking it daily. Once in stock, this one doesn’t last long!
3. Marvel is having some success with animated features, both in broadcast and direct to DVD. What’s the status of the Iron Man: Armored Adventures toys that were on display at Toy Fair? What’s the possibility of figures for the animated films, like Next Avengers, Hulk Vs., or the upcoming Thor: Tales of Asgard and Planet Hulk?
Iron Man: Armored Adventures
Iron Man
The Mandarin
The Iron Man: Armored Adventures line will be hitting retailer shelves in August. As for the other projects you mentioned, there is nothing planned for these in 2009.
4. You’ve announced that there will be twelve Secret Wars 2-packs. Are those all planned to ship in calendar 2009? When should we expect to see them on shelves? How about some hints on some of the other 2-packs planned?
The first 6 issues will hit shelves in 2009. The last 6 issues will start hitting around January of next year. Hint: One of the figs has an awesome haircut.
5. Ok, time for our monthly check-in – any updates when or how the Nemesis wave will hit shelves in the US? How about expected shelf dates for the Marvel Legends two-packs?
The Nemesis wave is still on hold with no confirmed release date – but trust us when we tell you that we’re working hard to nail this down. We want these to hit shelves as much as you do! The good news is that the next two waves of two packs should be arriving at retail in August – these waves will be available at Toys R’ Us and through Diamond Comics.
Here’s the round-up of other Marvel Q&A from other toy sites: (links to be added as they come up)
One thought on “AFP’s Hasbro Marvel Q&A Roundup – 7/2/9”
“The first 6 issues will hit shelves in 2009. The last 6 issues will start hitting around January of next year. Hint: One of the figs has an awesome haircut.”
Guess that confirms Mohawk Storm for one of the packs. Yay!!
“The first 6 issues will hit shelves in 2009. The last 6 issues will start hitting around January of next year. Hint: One of the figs has an awesome haircut.”
Guess that confirms Mohawk Storm for one of the packs. Yay!!