Two Exclusive X-Men Minimates Sets from Action Figure Express
This winter, Action Figure Express will have two exclusive X-Men Minimates sets, the Silver Age X-Men in their matching blue and gold suits, and the original X-Factor which reunited that team in their costumes with large colored X across the front. Well, kind of. The sets as planned contain four X-Men each, while the teams each had five.
The four members in the 4-packs are Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, and Beast. The odd man out is Angel. Don’t fret, though. An Angel for both teams will be released in the standard 2-pack format. Not together, though. Silver Age Angel is in an AFX 2-pack with a modern Madrox the Multiple Man – which could be unfortunate since people may want to army build with Madrox. And X-Factor Angel will be part of a Toys R Us 2-pack with Warpath.
I think this is an odd arrangement – if you’re going to release a packaged set of a team, why release one of the key members separately? … Oh no – if I start chanting “No Monkey, No Money!” just talk me down gently.
X-Men Minimates Go Retro With AFX!
It’s been an extremely exciting year for Marvel Minimates so far, and 2009 is going to keep delivering more of your favorite Marvel characters – focusing on Marvel’s Mighty Mutants! Two new exclusive box sets will be hitting collections later this year starring none other than the X-Men!
First up from Action Figure Xpress is the much-requested Silver Age X-Men box set featuring the original five members of the team in their first appearance duds. Featuring Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman and Beast – Minimate-aholics will be able to complete their set of founding X-Men with the Silver Age Angel available in Series 31 (due for release in December of ’09). Please take note that the Silver Age Angel will NO LONGER be the chase figure in this assortment, giving fans much improved odds on completing their Silver Age X-Men team. The Silver Age X-Men box set is now available for pre-order on and will also be shipping to customers in the end of this year.
As if one team of classic X-Men with interchangeable heads and accessories wasn’t enough, a second box set featuring the team’s landmark X-Factor outfits is also in the works from Action Figure Xpress! Featuring new versions of Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Jean Grey – fans will again be able to complete their five-member team by visiting Toys R Us and picking up the X-Factor Angel & Warpath two-pack this fall. The four-pack X-Factor set can be pre-ordered from and will be available concurrently to the Silver Age X-Men set.
For our complete offering of Silver Age X-Men characters, look for a new visual checklist on in the coming days and be sure to stay tuned as more and more of Marvel’s Mighty Mutants make Marvel Minimates history – two inches at a time!