First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat –

More Battle Cat goodness, this time from the Fwoosh.  I am really starting to wonder how the articulation in his mid-torso moves.  It’s practically invisible, at least from the angle in the unarmored pic here – I had to check to make sure I wasn’t seeing things in Pixel Dan’s video review (you can see it clearly at 4:10 in).

Really, I don’t know what else I can say about Battle Cat without telling you what you probably already see or crossing over to a full-on gush fest (morseso). I know that this is a very subjective and fickle hobby and I have come to realize that even if I really love a figure, someone out there will probably hate it. However, if once you get this figure in hand and you can say that you don’t like it, please leave your address so I can direct the ambulance to your house because you are obviously having a breakdown. I just cannot imagine any action figure fan not digging the hell out of Battle Cat. Come the end of the year, his presence on “Best of” lists will be so ubiquitous some might wonder if any other toys came out this year at all.

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