Neither of these core groups have enough members for an entry of their own, so why not combine them! Since we already have an X-Factor Cyclops, I thought to myself, who would be a good stand in? Since Havok has made a living being a stand in for his older brother, he was a logical choice. And hey, he was in X-Factor too! I just finished reading both of these titles, and while they fizzled at the end, there were some great stories to be had along the way. Enjoy!
- Moira MacTaggart
- Captain Brittan
- Phoenix (Hound)
- Shadowcat
- Meggan
- Jean Grey
- Havok
- Iceman
- Archangel (Horseman of Apocalypse)
- Beast
Jake Schroeder (jakey-jake)
Jakey-Jake’s Customs on Facebook
Moira MacTaggart:
- Head-DCUC Big Barda/LCBH Conan
- Body-DCUC Cheetah
- Boots-SOTA Street Fighter Cammy
- Gloves-ML Psylocke
- Sculpt
Captain Brittan:
- Head-ML Captain Brittan
- Lower Legs-ML Mr. Sinister
- Gloves-DCUC Vigilante
- Body-DCUC Specter
- Upper arms-DCUC Red Tornado
Phoenix (Hound):
- ML Wasp
- Sculpt
- Shadowcat:
- Head-ML Kitty Pryde
- Torso/Arms-ML Storm
- Legs- ML Psylocke
- Sculpt
- Head-DCUC Power Girl/Cheetah
- Arms-ML Psylocke
- Rest-DCUC Modern Cheetah
Jean Grey:
- Head-DCUC Black Canary
- Rest-ML Spiderwoman
- Head-DCUC Blue Supes
- Rest-DCUC Mr. Terrific
- XMC Iceman
- Conan Belt + Sculpting
Archangel (Horseman of Apocalypse):
- XMC Archangel
- Modified wings + sculpt
- Feet-SOTA Ken
- Ankles-ML Iron Fist
- Legs-LCBH Wrarrl
- Rest-LCBH Savage Dragon
- Sculpt
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