Four Horsemen Tease Upcoming Gothitropolis Ravens Kickstarter Campaign
I’ll admit it – when I saw the Kickstarter logo next to the 2-ups for the Gothitropolis Ravens at the latest Toypocalypse, I had a bit of a toygasm. We’ve talked many times over the past few years with the Four Horsemen about when we might finally be able to add these birds to our collections – the rising labor and material costs have been the primary challenge, and they’ve therefore been focused their attentions on toy lines like the Outer Space Men, which are easier to bring to market.
Now the fun begins – figuring out if the Fwoosh can participate with an exclusive, as we did with the Seventh Kingdom elephants and the Queen and her court. What do you guys think?
People have been requesting info and images of the Raven figure and his variant versions from our in-house property, Gothitropolis for a while now. We’ll have info about the planned release schedule and info about how you can help by participating in the upcoming Kickstarter program to fund the production of the Raven and his variants very soon. In the meantime, have fun drooling over the pics below.
The characters shown below may or may not be all of the variant versions that will be made available. That all depends both on how well the Kickstarter program goes and whether any toy news websites or toy retailers want to get involved with carrying and selling any of their own variant versions of the Ravens or not. Please sprad the word and let’s get these avian monstrosities into the hands of collectors worldwide!!
readerstoys この黒カラス、ずぅ〜っと前からイラストがあって、ようやく立体拝めるのかぁ〜って思ったら、そうなんですね…最近この方式増えてきましたね。メーカーさんも工場高騰で大変ですし…
shamrockarrow ここのオリジナル品は彼らが本当につくりたいものを作っている感が伝わってきて好きなんですよね。そのために原型製作を請け負って資金を貯めてる、みたいな。 前作スカラベスシリーズがもっと売れてくれたら…(><)
readerstoys ホント凄くこだわりの感じられる作りですよね!特にこの黒カラスは欲しいですね〜(国内取り扱いはあるのかしら…。)確かにスカラベスシリーズは…
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