ThreeA Toys Action Portable Fatty Drown Surprise Drop on Bambaland Now

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The first of the 3A Toys Action Portable Ankou EX figures is up for pre-order on right now. That’s Fatty Drown in all black, and he’s $75. This is somewhat of a surprise, as the details of the sale had not been announced in advance. However, they did say a while back that Fatty and the Civil Offensive 3-pack would be on sale in May – maybe the suddenness of this drop is to partially make good on that, even though most 3A fans are used to the operation running a little loose.

These are cool looking and in my preferred 6-inch scale, but it may take some convincing for me to pick up Fatty and the rest, whenever they go on sale. I know I’m risking missing out on Fatty completely, because this has been touted as a limited sale – no guarantees how long the pre-order window will last.