Did you see Star Trek Into Darkness yet? I just did (I know I’m late!) and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you’re not a Trek fan or your movie partner isn’t, no worries – my mom, who is definitely not a Trekkie, took me to see it and loved it!
In any case, IMAX is holding a Star Trek Into Darkness sweepstakes that includes a bunch of Trek gear, including the Hasbro KRE-O Enterprise ($49.99) and the NECA Star Trek Into Darkness Connect with Pieces puzzle ($12.99). If that’s not enough, the grand prize includes official uniforms, the Star Trek video game from Namco Bandai, and a bunch more.
It’s open until the end of the month, so enter the IMAX giveaway now.
Star Trek Into Darkness IMAX Sweepstakes
Enter the Star Trek Into Darkness IMAX sweepstakes for a chance to win a Captain Kirk Tunic, Commander Spock Tunic and Uhura Red Dress from Anovos; KRE-O Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise from Hasbro; Star Trek: The Video Game from Paramount Pictures and Namco Bandai Games; Deluxe Captain Kirk Shirt from Rubie’s Costume Co.; Star Trek Into Darkness Connect with Pieces from NECA; Music from the Motion Picture Star Trek Into Darkness by Michael Giacchino from Varese Sarabande, Deluxe Captain Kirk Shirt, Star Trek Into Darkness IMAX T-Shirt and Poster, and IMAX tickets*!
via Sweepstakes.