NYCC 2013: Mattel DC and Masters of the Universe Instapics

We’re at Preview Night of New York Comic-Con. Here’s some quick pics of Mattel’s booth.

[instapress tag=”afpnycc13mattel” piccount=”0″ size=”150″ effect=”fancybox”]

To get you the pics you want as fast as I can, I’m hooking you into my Instagram feed. If you’re on Instagram, follow me at afpron – that’s for AFP Ron, not AF Pron :). Stay tuned for better pictures soon.

5 thoughts on “NYCC 2013: Mattel DC and Masters of the Universe Instapics”

  1. Way to ruin a good thing, geez who is the corporate moron running these lines?  No one asked or requested these in four inch scale.

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