ThreeA Toys Real Steel Noisy Boy Pre-Order Opens 10/31
I have not been buying 3A’s Real Steel fighting robots. I hadn’t seen the movie when the first figures were offered for pre-order, and while my wallet is thanking me, I’m feeling like I missed out a little. The latest offering, which will go up for pre-order right after the Halloween Hot-Foot, is my favorite design among all the bots – Noisy Boy. At $380, my wallet is thanking me again, but for those of you who get him, make a video of all those LED lights – all 500 of them!
Noisy Boy goes up for pre-order at 9PM EST on October 31.
3aVOX – Real Steel: Noisy Boy
Our fourth figure from Real Steel movie license: Noisy Boy, hits on November 1st, 9:00AM Hong Kong time and Bambalandstore exclusive version comes with 1/6th scale controller + headset. Price: 380USD
Figure stands 43.5cm tall and features over 500 LED LIGHTS.
LOOKBOOK 3A, dedicated to Real Steel: Noisy Boy is available for download here: