Spirit of Grayskull Chase Debuts at Early Access for Mattycollector February Sale
Looks like just one item will be up for Early Access for Mattycollector’s February sale (opening tomorrow at 8AM PST) – the glow-in-the-dark Masters of the Universe Classics Spirit of Grayskull. The quarterly 2-pack and Ninja Warrior join the sale during All Access on Monday.
I’m looking forward to Ninjor, but I switched to the quarterly plan this year, so I’ll be waiting until March for him and the Snake-themed pair.
2/16 Sale Reminder: Ninja Warrior, MOTUC 2-Pack Plus Spirit of Grayskull™ in EA
Here’s your friendly reminder that our 2/16 sale is coming up soon…
Early Access 2/12
Thursday, 2/12 from 8 a.m. PT to Friday, 2/13 at 8 a.m. PT (subscribers only)