NYCC 2016: Super7 May Relaunch Masters of the Universe Classics in December


Following Mattel’s abrupt San Diego Comic-Con announcement of the closure of MattyCollector at the end of this year, Super7 took over the Masters of the Universe license. They have been working closely with the Four Horsemen to plan for relaunching Masters of the Universe Classics. And while things are not set in stone, it’s possible they may ship their first MOTUC figures before Mattel ships their last.

On the slate for relaunch are “Ultimate Editions” of five classic figures: He-Man, Skeletor, Teela, Faker, and Ram Man. Could these be the “first five (sort of) new prototypes” that Cornboy mentioned sending to Super7 recently? For the first four mentioned, the re-issues will come with alternate heads and accessories that represent all of the major variants for those characters. Ram Man doesn’t have any variants in the line, but I’m guessing Super7 is re-issuing him because fans felt he was under-produced in Mattel’s run.

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NYCC 2016: Hasbro Marvel Legends Update


As has been their tradition the past several years, Hasbro held its ‘Twas the Night Before… Party on the eve of New York Comic Con. All of its collector-oriented brands were represented, including marketing and design members from their Star Wars, Transformers, and Marvel brand teams.

We focused on the new Marvel Legends reveals. Those included the final reveals for the widely-rumored and now-confirmed Sandman Build-a-Figure Spider-Man wave, and four other Legends whose final homes have not yet been revealed, but may be slotted into upcoming X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy waves.

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Join CustomCon 43 This December


CustomCon 43 – Winter 2016

The staff at AFP is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the 43rd CustomCon. This edition of CustomCon will be held this December, joining the CustomCon events hosted throughout the year by Raving Toy Maniac and

Event Dates

CustomCon 43 will run the week of December 5, 2016.

Entry Deadline

The submission deadline is Wednesday, November 30, 2016. No entries will be accepted after this date.

What is CustomCon?

CustomCon is a special presentation of new custom toy creations by customizers around the globe. Fifteen years in the running, it’s still going strong. Inspired by the presentations of new product by legitimate manufacturers at Toy Fair and other trade shows, CustomCon is a “fake” convention, wherein customizers present their latest creations and recipes as if unveiling a new line of real toys to retailers. It’s always a lot of fun for both the viewers and the participants.

If this is your first exposure to a CustomCon, check out what’s been offered over the past 42 CustomCons, including the CustomCon entries that have been featured here at AFP.

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Hasbro Shares Details for Star Wars Retailer Exclusives


We’re a week away from Force Friday, and Hasbro has more retailer exclusives incoming. As you might expect, most are tied-in with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but a certain astromech droid is looking to remote control his way to your heart.

With the Star Wars Smart R2-D2, Hasbro is looking to capture some of the magic that Sphero did with its app-enabled BB-8 ( While you won’t be able to pick up R2-D2 at Walmart until next week, you can preview the companion app for Android and iOS now. Now I just need an appropriately-sized C-3PO head for Artoo to drag around.

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Captain America: Blind Fury –

Red Skull’s nefarious plan? Turn Captain America into an agent of HYDRA. And who better to test Cap’s new allegiances against than a former ally? Daredevil guest stars in Blind Fury!

Be sure to check out the rest of Bill’s work here at AFP and at Bill’s Comics.

Captain America – Blind Fury!

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