Marvel Minimates Spider-Man Friends and Foes 4-Pack

More Marvel Minimates news – a Spider-Man four-pack that includes a battle-damaged Spidey and three fan favorites – a new Black Cat, Doc Ock, and Vulture.  Entertainment earth has this listed for an April 2010 delivery.

Are you a friend or a foe?

Marvel Minimates Spider-Man Friends and Foes

Spider-Man has met so many interesting characters in his many adventures. He has also had to battle many a nefarious villain along the way. Picking the all time favorites is a herculean task to say the least! To help you along the way and help expand your Minimates collection we are bringing you the Friends and Foes 4 pack. Featuring a battle-ravaged Spider-Man, and new version of Black Cat, the evil Doc Ock, and Vulture! Build your Marvel Minimates Universe to even greater heights!

via Art Asylum Blog » Are you a friend or a foe?.

Marvel Minimates Series 34 Black Queen Jean Grey Revealed

Although Art Asylum is no longer taking guesses for the remaining figures in Marvel Minimates Series 34, at least for a chance to win some zombies, there’s still three figures remaining, after the reveal of the Black Queen Jean Grey today.

The Black Queen isn’t the variant, for the series, and since the variant is usually packed with the army builder, we may have three Hellfire Club characters to go, with one of them being a variant.

I had to check the Marvel Minimates visual guide, and the White Queen has already been made in her Hellfire Club outfit.  Could we possibly get a Sebastian Shaw and a MasterMind?  Or maybe I’m overthinking this, and one of the remaining slots is for a Wolverine in a new brown and tan deco (edit: dur dur, of course he was in the tiger stripe costume vs. the Hellfire Club!) and battle-damaged variant.  Too obvious?

Marvel Minimates 34 Black Queen Jean Grey

Art Asylum You’ve been patient, so here’s the next Marvel Minimates Series 34 star – Black Queen Jean Grey!

via Facebook | Art Asylum.

Iron Man 2 Marvel Select and Marvel Minimates Coming March 2010

The design for the new Iron Man movie for next year’s sure thing blockbuster is so secretive that Diamond Select Toys can’t show you anything but Tony Stark’s pretty face.  The Marvel Select figure will feature a flip up faceplate.  No more details on the Minimates yet, but I’d expect at least one full series (like they did for the first Iron Man movie) and a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive set.

DST & Iron Man 2 Blast Off!

Marvel Select Iron Man 2Marvel Select Iron Man 2 closeup

The biggest Super Hero movie of 2010 is fast approaching and will thrill fans with high-tech armor, covert government operations, one supremely angry Russian and, we are excited to announce, Diamond Select Toys! Maryland based Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles, LLC has secured a license from Marvel Entertainment to produce collectible action figures and Minimates based on the summer’s surefire blockbuster hit, Marvel’s Iron Man 2!

Diamond Select Toys will bring the Iron Man 2 property to their most successful toy lines, recruiting top industry talent including Gentle Giant for the seven-inch collector-driven Marvel Select action figure line and design-house Art Asylum for the unstoppable Marvel Minimates series of two-inch articulated block figures. Both lines will see releases beginning in March of 2010 and continuing through the summer convention season, including exclusive partnerships with national toy retailer Toys “R” Us and online powerhouse Action Figure

“After Marvel’s Iron Man 2008 feature film increased the global awareness of this powerful brand and our continued success with both the Marvel Select and Marvel Minimates lines, securing the rights to Iron Man 2 toys was a very easy decision for us,” commented Diamond Select Toys Director, Chuck Terceira. “We’re all huge fans of the first Iron Man film and we’re very much looking forward to highlighting both the comic and movie characters from the Iron Man universe over the next year.”

Hot on the heels of the $585-million-generating Iron Man film, the action-packed sequel will hit theaters on May 7th of 2010 and catches up with Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark six months after the events of his big-screen debut. Iron Man 2 also stars Mickey Rourke as the devilish Whiplash, Scarlett Johansson as the seductive and deadly Black Widow, Don Cheadle’s War Machine debut and Samuel L Jackson, reprising his role as the world’s number one spy, Nick Fury.

via Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles.

Diamond Select Toys Back to the Future 3 DeLorean Time Machine

If you’re a fan of the Back to the Future 1/18 scale vehicles, Diamond Select Toys is completing the trilogy with the DeLorean from Back to the Future 3.  My favorite was the one from Back to the Future 2, so I’m a little bummed I didn’t pick one up when it was available.

Sending you Back to the Future one more time

After the success of our previous Back to the Future time machines we are coming back with the best time machine from the entire trilogy! That’s right, the version that sent Marty back to the future for the last time. Featuring white wall tires, old west style time machine workings on the hood and a healthy coating of dirt and dust this will be the version you want to have. Just don’t let it fall into Eastwood ravine!

via Art Asylum Blog » Sending you Back to the Future one more time.

Marvel Minimates Series 34 Hellfire Club Guard Revealed

Nice – the army builder for Marvel Minimates 34 will be the Hellfire Club Guards, joining Cyclops, Beast, and Rogue – the other Minimates that have been announced.

If you think you’ve got the remaining figures for the series pegged (there’s 2 figures and a variant to go), post on Art Asylum’s Facebook page – they’re offering up zombies, maybe Marvel Minimate Zombies!

Marvel Minimates 34 Hellfire Club Guard

Art Asylum Next up in Marvel Minimates Series 34 is the wave’s army builder – Hellfire Club Guards!

Art Asylum So who thinks they can guess the remaining three Minimates? Get it spot on and win some zombies!

via Facebook | Art Asylum.

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