I’m pretty excited about Battle Armor He-Man. As a kid, he was my favorite of the MOTU toys – well, maybe after Jitsu. 😀
The original had a spring-loaded barrel inside its chest. When you hit it, it would rotate to the next of three positions, starting with pristine armor. Then it would show one slash, and then two. Hit it a third time and it’d be back in pristine shape. [Correction – Bubba Shelby reminded me that you had to dial back the barrel manually. Gimme a break – that was a quarter century ago! :D]
I know action features are frowned upon by serious action figure collectors 😉 so I was kind of hoping that they’d figure out how to recreate that barrel with this figure. However, removable plates are a great way to get the same effect.
Although he’s not listed yet, Battle Armor He-Man is the bonus figure on Mattycollector.com in January. Now bring on pics of Battle Cat!
Battle Armor He-Man packaged!
Just got in early packaged samples of the first variant of He-Man in his all new Battle Armor!
He-Man comes with removable chest armor with a pop out chest plate. Just snape in any one of the three chest plates to recreate the look of the spinning armor mechanism from the vintage toy. This toy does not feature a spinning tumble, but does include all three chest plates – standard, one smash, and my personal favorite, two smashes!
He also comes with his heroic Battle Axe just like in the famous painting of Battle Armor He-Man on top of Battle Cat. (anyone have the art book?)
And speaking of Battle Cat. We just got samples of him in package too, but the corners are all bent up. Bleh. We’ll try to fix it up and make it photo ready and get that up soon too. The final toy will obvioulsy have a perfect package. (or as close as possible!)
Battle Armor He-Man goes on sale January 15th, only on MattyCollector.com. He is a “bonus” figure and is not included in the 2010 Club Eternia subscription. Gets your before he rides away!
via Facebook | Mattycollector.com: Battle Armor He-Man packaged!
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