Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man Packaged Pics

I’m pretty excited about Battle Armor He-Man. As a kid, he was my favorite of the MOTU toys – well, maybe after Jitsu. 😀

The original had a spring-loaded barrel inside its chest. When you hit it, it would rotate to the next of three positions, starting with pristine armor. Then it would show one slash, and then two. Hit it a third time and it’d be back in pristine shape.  [Correction – Bubba Shelby reminded me that you had to dial back the barrel manually.  Gimme a break – that was a quarter century ago! :D]

I know action features are frowned upon by serious action figure collectors 😉 so I was kind of hoping that they’d figure out how to recreate that barrel with this figure. However, removable plates are a great way to get the same effect.

Although he’s not listed yet, Battle Armor He-Man is the bonus figure on in January. Now bring on pics of Battle Cat!

Battle Armor He-Man packaged!

Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man.jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man - card.jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man - cardback.jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man - outer box.jpg

Just got in early packaged samples of the first variant of He-Man in his all new Battle Armor!

He-Man comes with removable chest armor with a pop out chest plate. Just snape in any one of the three chest plates to recreate the look of the spinning armor mechanism from the vintage toy. This toy does not feature a spinning tumble, but does include all three chest plates – standard, one smash, and my personal favorite, two smashes!

He also comes with his heroic Battle Axe just like in the famous painting of Battle Armor He-Man on top of Battle Cat. (anyone have the art book?)

And speaking of Battle Cat. We just got samples of him in package too, but the corners are all bent up. Bleh. We’ll try to fix it up and make it photo ready and get that up soon too. The final toy will obvioulsy have a perfect package. (or as close as possible!)

Battle Armor He-Man goes on sale January 15th, only on He is a “bonus” figure and is not included in the 2010 Club Eternia subscription. Gets your before he rides away!

via Facebook | Battle Armor He-Man packaged!

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AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 11/2/9

Here are the latest questions and answers from Mattel. Thanks to Mattel and Toy Guru!

Masters of the Universe Classics

1. Zodak (pics and review) was the first “bonus” figure for the Masters of the Universe Classics line. Based on how he sold, what changes are you considering for bonus figures, if any? Do you have any update on combining bonus orders with Club Eternia subs so subscribers aren’t penalized with double shipping?

Masters of the Universe Classics Zodak - card (902x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Zodak (900x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Zodak - holding armor (901x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Zodak - with He-Man and Man-at-Arms (1200x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Zodak - glow in the dark (900x1200).jpg

If the first few bonus figure do well, we will continue them into 2010. If they do not, figures that were bonus figures will just become standard monthly figures. You won’t be able to combine shipping on subscriptions and standard purchases, but once we gauge how bonus figures do, we will be able to include them in the 2011 subscription.

Continue reading “AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 11/2/9”

Target Exclusive Justice League Unlimited 3-Packs

The Target exclusive Justice League Unlimited 3-Packs are in stores now.

Fwoosher Ham Salad shares his picks of the newest figures to join the line – Blackhawk (from the 3-pack with Superman and Wonder Woman), Amanda Waller and General Eiling (from the 3-pack with Batman), and the Super Friends 3-pack with Black Vulcan, Apache Chief, and Samurai.

JLU Blackhawk.jpgJLU Amanda Waller.jpgJLU General Eiling.jpgJLU Black Vulcan.jpgJLU Apache Chief.jpgJLU Samurai.jpg

For very comprehensive look at JLU and other toy lines, check out Ham Salad’s Flicker Photostream.

Superman Batman Public Enemies Wave 2 Update

I have the first wave of the Target exclusive Superman Batman: Public Enemies 6-inch figures, sans Silver Banshee.  She still eludes me, so I’ve yet to open the rest.  I have a feeling that Major Force will be the tough one to get in Wave 2, and I’m not so in need of Brimstone that I’ll miss him if I don’t get all the pieces.  If it ends up like that, then these will go back to the store.

Since Mattel doesn’t have samples yet, I’m guessing we may not see Wave 2 until December.

Where’s my Brimstone?

BrimstoneBlack LightningMajor Force

A lot of fans have posted asking about the remaining pieces of Brimstone. They will be available with Wave 2 figures shipping to Target later this year. This set will include Black Lightning and Major Force, as well as repaints of Batman in blue and gray and Superman in a more metallic deco. The repaints will include the same Collect and Connect pieces as their Wave 1 decos.

We haven’t received samples yet, but we will post package images as soon as we can.

via Facebook | Where’s my Brimstone?

Watch Episode 7, the Halloween Special, of Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?!

Right in time for Halloween, here’s the latest Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?!  Stan “The Man” Lee narrates!

Happy Trick or Treating!

Ghouls, goblins and Gambit abound…Must mean Halloween’s around!

Midnight strikes the hallowed turf. Decaying denizens of the Marvel U unearthed.

As the undead stare with a fearsome glance, there’s only one thing left to do…And that’s DANCE!

“Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?! Ep. 7″…It’s a “Thriller-er!”

Starring the terrifying tones of Smilin’ Stan Lee! This one will keep you howling!

via The legendary Stan “The Man” Lee narrates! | News |

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