Mezco Exclusive Zombie Mez-Itz and Comox Valley Zombie Walk

I’ve become a big zombie fan. I love Shaun of the Dead, play Left 4 Dead a couple times a week, and have pre-ordered Left4Dead 2 so I’ll have it when it comes out next month.  Zombie Mez-Itz will go great with the Mez-Itz Hellboy and the Mez-Itz Wolfman, and a 10% discount is just the icing on the brains.

Now if I could only convince my wife to see Zombieland

Mezco’s Zombie Mez-Itz Help Support Undead In Frozen North

ThinkGeek Exclusive Zombie Mez-Itz
ThinkGeek Exclusive Zombie Mez-Itz

The zombies are coming, and they want you to volunteer. No, not to be eaten, but to participate in their walk. Actually, being zombies, it is technically more of a “shuffle”, but the concept is the same. Mezco will be helping to support the Zombie walk by supplying goodie bags to 150 participants, as well as giving a 10% discount to all zombies using the secret code BRAINS on orders at the Mezco Direct website*.

  • Mezco’s new limited edition of Zombie Mez-Itz are now available exclusively at
  • with a black and white “classic” Zombie variant available at exclusively at Mezco Direct

They are limited to 500 and 108 pieces respectively.

The Comox Valley Zombie Walk will meet at 4:30 pm on Halloween (Oct 31) on the corner of 5th and Fitzgerald St. Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada. They will shuffle down 5th street and finish the walk at 6:00 pm, and enter Joe’s Garage for an after party to eat, give away prizes, and partake in general zombie festivities.

The first ever Zombie Walk was held in August, 2001 in Sacramento, California and has since become an annual event. In 2007, the Toronto Zombie Walk drew a crowd of well over 1,100 zombies, a number confirmed by Toronto Police Services. This was the largest Zombie Walk on record at the time.

Any zombies interested in participating in the Comox Valley Zombie Walk are urged to contact walk organizer and Chief Zombie, Zach at or visit Facebook

*[discount only applies to instock items, not pre-orders. Code must be enterer at time order is placed and cannot be used retroactively. Discount only applies to merchandise, not to shipping or taxes.]

via Mezco Toyz | Movie, Television and Proprietary Action Figures & Collectibles.

Raven Wins ToyFare DC Universe Classics Fan Choice Poll

When the news of Raven winning the DC Universe Classics fan poll, guaranteeing her a spot in wave 15 next year, here were my initial thoughts:

The more I think about it, fan polls in which toy companies guarantee they’ll make the winner(s) don’t serve any purpose other than generating hype. When the companies pick who goes on the poll, they only pick guys that they would make anyways – otherwise, what happens if a character who can’t be made wins?

Then, fans of the ones who don’t win get disappointed because they know that their choices can’t get made before the winner, since that would negate the overall fan choice. And then there’s always the risk that the losers will never get made, based on how they did in the poll, when the poll is already stacked with the companies’ choices.

Of course, I’d feel differently if Catman won the first poll and Toyman won the second. 😀

After posting the ToyFare and Hasbro Star Wars fan poll news earlier, I was glad to see a poll where the majority of choices ended up getting made.  Let’s hope for the same with the recent polls from Mattel and Hasbro.

FansChoice_RavenDC Universe Fan Choice Announced

And the winner is…

My friends at ToyFare magazine ran a poll asking fans to help decide which character Mattel should add to the DC Universe Classics line. The votes have been tallied and the reader choice is:


Fans chose between Raven, Freddy Freeman, Toyman, Geo-Force, Libra, and Uncle Sam. Raven won by a landslide, so she joins DCUC Wave 15 in Winter 2010. To find out which competitor Raven beat by a two-to-one margin, pick up issue #148 on newsstands now!


via Online Store.

Masters of the Universe Classics Teela Sales Update

Concerned about not getting a shipping notice on your order from last week?  Rest a little easier – Mattel posted a couple of Facebook updates today.  Read on.

Mattycollector To clear the air, subscribers will be getting Teela. She is NOT on backorder. Customer service has been giving out some incorrect information and we are working with them to correct this. Going forward, we will make sure subscriber figures are shipped first along with a confirmation email. We apologize for this inconvenience!

Trying to clear things up

Hey fans,

We know there has been a lot of confusion floating around on some recent orders and misinformation. I’ll do my best to clear this up.

We did switch over our customer service to Digital River, and it appears a few customer service reps have been going “off book” and giving out some incorrect info. Here is the latest:

MOTU Classics Wun-Dar
MOTU Classics Wun-Dar

1: Wun-Dar is most definitely the subscription figure only. He will only be available if you purchased a 2010 Club Eternia subscription and will be mailed out in the spring along with the all new poster. Wun-Dar will not be sold in any other way. If you did not purchase a subscription, you will not be getting Wun-dar. Nothing has changed on Wun-Dar from our original plans announced at SDCC 2009.

2: All 2009 subscribers WILL be getting Teela. The shipping confirmation should have gone out immediately and I apologize for this not happening. Going forward, we have made it very clear to Digital River that subscription figures need to ship out first (along with confirmation emails).

This may not have been the smoothest sale, but everyone will get their product.

I’ll do my best to keep an eye on Facebook and answer any other pressing questions. Unless you hear an announcement from me, there shouldn’t be any major changes. We’ll talk to Digital River and make sure their customer service reps are up on the latest info and training!

Doing all we can to correct these issues! Nothing is more important then creating a smooth process and pleasing our fans. Not every sale goes by the book, but we are working on fixing all of these issues. Thanks for everyone’s understanding!


via Facebook | Trying to clear things up.

New ToyFare and Hasbro Star Wars Fan Choice Poll

I’m generally not an advocate of the use of fan polls used for character selection but it seems to have worked with Star Wars – 20 out of 25 picks from the 2006 poll seems like a pretty impressive feat.

Now you’ve got 31 choices available – there’s one 2-pack in there.  I wonder if Cliegg Lars is going to run away with it, with the offer of removable legs.  Sorry – I totally didn’t mean to be so punny.



Ready to once again affect the future of history’s arguably greatest toyline? Following a successful 2006ToyFare Fan Choice poll which has seen 20 out of 25 nominated characters made into figures to date, Hasbro once again asked its fans to nominate any character from any movie or Expanded Universe book, comic or video game. Now, armed with the top 30 vote-getters (presented below in alphabetical order), ToyFare is asking you to do your democratic duty! Check out your choices below and cast your vote—who knows how many of the 30 we’ll eventually see, but only one winner will be declared the Fans’ Choice!


Diamond Select Toys Announces Battlestar Galactica Series 4

I’m old enough to have watched the original Battlestar Galactica in prime time, but I haven’t yet watched this.  Should I?

Stay tuned and we’ll update when the Art Asylum visual guide goes up.

BSG Series 4 Action FiguresBattlestar Galactica Series 4 Returns!

The long-awaited fourth assortment of Battlestar Galactica action figures is finally heading to comic and specialty stores with a new configuration combining the best of the original assortment with a new oft-requested addition!

First up in the new Series 4 lineup is everyone’s favorite short-tempered tyrant originally offered as a Previews Exclusive and now part of the main assortment – Admiral Helena Cain. Also familiar to fans is the second figure in the wave, Admiral William Adama – distinguished from his Toys R Us release by the inclusion of his signature mustache! Rounding out the all-star assortment is the brand-new highly-awaited debut of Gaius Baltar in his signature Presidential attire as featured in the series’ second and third seasons.

With new Battlestar Galactica figures appearing in comic stores, as retailer exclusives and in Toys “R” Us stores, we’re creating a visual guide for the Art Asylum blog to help fans keep track of all the upcoming releases. So check out the guide later this week and look for even more Battlestar Galactica updates in the future!

via Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles.

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