DCD Blackest Night Series 1 Preview – Newsarama

Newsarama has a preview of the first series of DCD’s Blackest Night figures, due at your local comic book stores next Wednesday.  Although I’ve only cherry-picked DCD in the past, I may be picking up all of these.  I’m a sucker for Green Lantern stuff, and while my primary collection is DC Universe Classics, it helps that these are all aliens, making scale differences forgivable.

I really think that this is going to be a big winner for DC Direct. There’s obvious visual appeal, there’s the popularity of the current story, and there’s the fact that it digs deep in support of the universe. Newer characters abound, and Arisia gets represented in the third assortment. If you’re into DC Direct overall, you’re going to want these. If you’re really into Blackest Night, you’ll probably want these. Things may be dark in the DCU, but it looks pretty bright for DCD in the near term.

via Blog@Newsarama » Blog Archive » Super-Articulate: DC Direct Blackest Night Series 1 Advance Look.

Marvel Minimates Series 29 and 30 Packaged Press Pics

Art Asylum and Diamond Select Toys continue the Marvel Minimate machine.  I think it’s great that they’re packing the variants for each wave with army builders.  With 29 and 30, we’re getting Hydra Agents and Vault Guards.  These should be available at the end of November.

Minimate Series 29 and 30 Smorgasborg!

If ever there was a day for Marvel Universe Minimates, today would be that day!

We have not one, but TWO Minimate Marvel Universe Series!

29 and 30!

Those lucky puppies that ordered these have…dun dun dun:

Series 29

Marvel Minimates 29 - Armored Daredevil and Moon Knight - side.jpgMarvel Minimates 29 - Armored Daredevil and Moon Knight.jpgMarvel Minimates 29 - Black Panther and Storm - side.jpgMarvel Minimates 29 - Black Panther and Storm.jpgMarvel Minimates 29 - WWII Wolverine and Hydra Agent - side.jpgMarvel Minimates 29 - WWII Wolverine and Hydra Agent.jpgMarvel Minimates 29 - X-Force Wolverine and Hydra Agent - side.jpgMarvel Minimates 29 - X-Force Wolverine and Hydra Agent.jpg

  • Black Panther
  • Daredevil (Armoured)
  • Hydra Agent
  • Moon Knight
  • 90’s Storm
  • WWII Wolverine
  • Wolverine (X-Force)

Series 30
Marvel Minimates 30 - Electro-Proof Spider-Man and Electro - side.jpgMarvel Minimates 30 - Electro-Proof Spider-Man and Electro.jpgMarvel Minimates 30 - Scorpion and House of M Spider-Man - side.jpgMarvel Minimates 30 - Scorpion and House of M Spider-Man.jpgMarvel Minimates 30 - Vault Guard and Spider-Girl - side.jpgMarvel Minimates 30 - Vault Guard and Spider-Girl.jpgMarvel Minimates 30 - Vault Guard and Ultimate Spider-Woman - side.jpgMarvel Minimates 30 - Vault Guard and Ultimate Spider-Woman.jpg

  • Scorpion
  • Spider-Girl
  • Spider-Man (Electro-Proof)
  • Spider-Man (House of M)
  • Ultimate Spider-Woman
  • Vault Guard
  • [Edit – and Electro of course!]

via Art Asylum Blog » Minimate Series 29 and 30 Smorgasborg!.

The Batman Vault by Running Press


Alright, this isn’t quite an action figure, but I’ll make an exception for one of the characters that helped make me an action figure collector. The Batman Vault looks like it’s tailor-made for the Bat-fans out there, me included! When I was a kid, a very long time ago, I had a mask much like the one in the bottom center of the picture above. I wore it so much that it smelled of my saliva. Ah, memories!

Sideshow Collectibles proudly presents ‘The Batman Vault‘ by authors Robert Greenberger and Matthew Manning. Jump in the Batmobile and get ready for a wild ride–this is a complete and in-depth look at the development of America’s most popular super hero. From his vigilante days to his television stardom, from Dark Knight to mentor, this memorabilia- and anecdote-packed collection follows the masked man on his crime-fighting career, and charts the history of the comics and movies that bear his name. How can one man be at times so vengeful, compassionate, determined, inspirational, and a true hero when he doesn’t possess special powers? Over the decades since his first appearance in the 1939, Batman and his alter-ego Bruce Wayne have thrilled readers with their adventures, close calls, dramatic storylines, and even death! Ultimately, the history of Batman is the history of America from the twentieth century to today. With removable artifacts and never-before-seen sketches, notes, and plans, ‘The Batman Vault’ is the perfect gift for the genuine fan of all ages.

Running Press also has The DC Vault, covering the broader set of DC heroes, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and many others.

JAKKS UFC Tickets and Toys Giveaway

Become a fan of JAKKS Pacific’s Facebook page for UFC and you will have a chance to win some UFC toys and go to Memphis to watch UFC 107!

I’ve only seen one UFC figure, of Houston Alexander, in stores since these started wave 0 started hitting stores recently.  I like that they’re adding more articulation and added some new sculpts, however I think they’ve got to improve their heads – Alexander’s face scan was fine, but his cranium was just humongous.

Want a pair of tickets to UFC 107, featuring BJ Penn vs. Diego Sanchez, a trip to Memphis and some awesome JAKKS UFC toys? One lucky JAKKS UFC Facebook Fan will win 2 tickets to UFC 107 in Memphis, Tennessee on December 12, 2009, including airfare and hotel! In addition, the winner will also receive a full set of all 8 Wave 0 JAKKS UFC action figures, an Official Scale Octagon Playset and more!

To enter to win, you need to be our “fan” before December 1st. Everyone that is currently a fan on UFC Action Figures – JAKKS Pacific Facebook page is already automatically entered.

If you’re not already a fan, simply add yourself as a fan to this Facebook page by no later than December 1, 2009 (noon, PST) and you will automatically be entered in the JAKKS UFC Tickets & Toys Giveaway.

See the official rules at www.jakks.com/ufc-facebook-rules for complete prize descriptions, odds of winning and full details.

Get your friends and family to become a fan of the JAKKS UFC Action Figure Facebook page so they can get in on the fun! Good luck!

via Facebook | UFC Action Figures- JAKKS Pacific’s Photos – JAKKS UFC® TICKETS & TOYS GIVEAWAY!.

Interview with Hasbro Marvel Brand Manager Scott George – IGN

IGN has published an interview with Hasbro’s Scott George, Brand Manager on the Marvel team.  This is somewhat of an introduction to the Marvel Universe line, so for those of you who are well-initiated on the 3 3/4-inch line, you won’t find any big bombshells – although vehicles and playsets do get mentioned a couple of times.

Here’s an excerpt.

Inside Hasbro’s Marvel Universe

Marvel’s heroes and villains are hitting the small scale thanks to a new line of Hasbro toys.

IGN Comics: The first question is probably the most obvious – what attracted Hasbro to a 3 ¾” scale for Marvel characters? What advantages do you get by doing that type of model over other lines such as Marvel Legends?

Scott George: There is a large 3 ¾” fan community and we wanted to enroll this group in the Marvel line. One key advantage of this scale is that it allows us to do more and really expand the universe into things like vehicles, larger scale figures and environments… all that are affordable to the consumer and enable them to build a complete Marvel Universe.

IGN Comics: One of the questions we’re sure many collectors have right now is regarding the balance between Marvel Legends and Marvel Universe. There currently seems to be much more emphasis on Universe than Legends. Is that an appropriate assessment? What would you say to fans that are holding out on Universe because they want to see those figures brought into the Legends line?

George: We have a strong focus on Universe right now, because it’s a new line and a new scale. Although there are some new characters in Marvel Universe, most of them were previously issued in the Legends line. For the characters that have not been issued in Legends, we will be continuing with the Fan Polls and working on getting these figures to the fans.

IGN Comics: The “Marvel Universe” line has been out for about three-fourths of a year – how has the response been? Have you been able to attract a mix of the die-hard collectors, the comic book fans and the casual buyers?

George: The response has been phenomenal. We have attracted a mix of everyone: the 3 ¾” Star Wars and GI Joe collector, as well as Marvel fans who want to see characters in a new way. Starting this scale also creates the opportunity for collectors and fans to start from square one. This scale, at the lower price and with the additional play appeals to kids as well.

via IGN: Inside Hasbro’s Marvel Universe.

For more on Marvel Universe, check out our full coverage: Marvel Universe | ActionFigurePics.com

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