Marvel Legends 2-Packs with Dum Dum Dugan and Invisible Woman Available on

ML 2-packs - Hand Ninja vs. Dum Dum Dugan (1024x769).jpgML 2-packs - Sharon Carter and Stealth Iron Man (1024x768).jpgML 2-packs - Invisible Woman and Human Torch (1024x768).jpg

Three new items have popped up on Although there are no pictures yet on the site (the ones above are from San Diego Comic-Con), I believe they are the refresher wave of the Marvel Legends 2-Packs, as the previous 2-packs are still listed as out of stock.  Get these fast before they sell out!

You may to combine this with a special Friends and Family discount to get 20% off your order of $75 or more.  You have to click on the link below to get the discount to apply.

Good hunting!

NECA Temple of the Serpent Conan the Barbarian

Between Conan and Terminator 2, NECA has got Ahhhnold nailed.  I love the headsculpts on all of them, but would really be psyched for a super-articulated Conan.  With very limited articulation, these figures hold just one main pose, essentially making them statues.

Conan the Exterminator

If you’ve got serpents, he’s got a giant sword.

Our new Temple of the Serpent Conan the Barbarian 7″ figure has his blade held high and ready to strike!

Honoring visionary author Robert E. Howard’s legendary Conan the Barbarian character and boasting an impeccable likeness to a certain Caleefornian governor, this new Conan comes with his sword and articulation at the neck, wrists, waist and boots. The articulation in the boots is especially handy when it comes to crushing serpent heads.

In his ongoing fight against the Serpent Men and their god Set, Conan stands poised for battle, his carefully sculpted muscles tensed and anxious for blood. The cold Schwarzenegger gaze is unmistakable, but this Temple of the Serpent Conan goes even further, putting you in the moment just before the death-blow is delivered, just when the action is at its peak. It is the ultimate recreation of the ultimate Cimmerian.

Temple of the Serpent Conan the Barbarian hits stores soon and will also available at our Amazon storefront.

via || National Entertainment Collectibles Association, Inc..

James Cameron’s Avatar Movie Toys Hitting Stores

If you’re confused about the Avatar figures from Mattel that are hitting shelves right now, I’m right there with you.  James Cameron is making a new sci-fi epic coming out this December called “Avatar,” which has nothing to do with the cartoon called “Avatar: The Last Airbender.”   M. Night Shyamalan is adapting the Airbender cartoon to the big screen, coming out next summer.  Adding to the confusion is that Mattel made the toys for the cartoon.  It’s so convoluted that the cartoon adaptation has dropped “Avatar” from its name, and will go by simply “The Last Airbender.”  Clear as mud!

Avatar Movie Masters  - Jake Sully (712x1024)Avatar Movie Masters - Col. Miles Quaritch (680x1024)Avatar iTags (1024x996)

The toys hitting shelves right now at Toys R Us are for Cameron’s Avatar.  Mattel has let us know that the first allotment of figures will feature an exclusive sticker on the packaging, if that’s your kind of thing.

Continue reading “James Cameron’s Avatar Movie Toys Hitting Stores”

Sideshow Collectibles $25 Off Gift Card


If you’re a fan of high end Sideshow figures and statues but are feeling the squeeze in your wallet, they’ve just published a $25 gift card for all of us to use.  There’s a lot of cool stuff available – you can see the entire list of eligible products here: Sideshow Collectibles, Inc. | Gift Card Look-Up.

Happy shopping!

Sideshow Collectibles Be the first to use this Gift Card and save $25 on select items! (look for the ‘gift card eligible’ tag) – FCB-PRFCB-IJZRKOZE

via Facebook | Sideshow Collectibles.

Gears of War Series 5 On Sale Next Week

The Gears of War keep turning (ouch, I know, sorry!) with series 5 due next week.  NECA is getting a lot of shelf space at in the new Toys R Us collector areas, with Gears, Player Select, Terminator, Twilight, and more – so I’m guessing we will see this line continue to flourish.  I hope to see NECA continue to upgrade these figures with better articulation, like they did with the COG Soldier.

Grinding The Gears

Gears of War Series 5 takes command!


Granted, we might be biased, but our new Gears of War 2 figures are easily the coolest yet.

The latest installment based on the multi-million-selling Epic game Gears of War 2 is tougher, meaner and packing more firepower than ever before. Just check it out:

Fighting for the Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG) is Delta Squad Colonel Victor Hoffman. Back in the original Gears, he reinstated Marcus Fenix into the military, and in Gears 2, he’s got an even more integral role to play in the battle against the Locust Horde. Joining Hoffman is an all new version of the COG Soldier with a different helmet and new articulation. Both figures come with unique weaponry.

From the Locust Horde there’s the Beast Rider Grenadier. A new character to Gears 2, the Beast Rider attacks players from on top of his Bloodmount and is notoriously hard to kill. Speaking of, the reckless Boomer is ready to run head-first into certain doom if it means he can take you out with him. Bigger and more dangerous than the usual Locust fighters, Boomer might just be a gamer’s worst nightmare. Like Hoffman and the COG Soldier, both Beast Rider and Boomer come with individualized weapons and are completely new to this line.

Gears of War 2 Series 5 hits shelves next week, and as always, they’ll also be available online at our Amazon storefront.

via || National Entertainment Collectibles Association, Inc..

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