Watch Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?! Episode 6

Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joey Q jumps in on the fun in the latest episode of “MSH: What The–?!”

It’s a send-up of the recently concluded Old Man Logan comic book.

Prepare yourself for a sensational silver-haired send-up of Marvel’s mightiest!

Old super heroes never die, they just age…And age…And age.

Ever wonder what would happen when the years start getting the jump on your favorite heroes?

Find out in the sensational silver-haired send-up we call “Marvel Super Heroes: What The–?! Ep. 6,” or “Grumpy Old Man Logan!”

Featuring a special introduction by Marvel Editor in Chief, Joe Quesada, and the voices of the M.M.M.S. (the Merry Marvel Method-Acting Society)!

via Prepare yourself for a sensational silver-haired send-up of Marvel’s mightiest! | News |

Ghostbusters Ray Stantz 6-Inch and 12-Inch Figures –

VeeBee at the Fwoosh has Ghostbusters Ray Stantz times two.  Both the 6-inch and 12-inch versions of Ray go on sale on October 15 on

I got the 6-inch Egon Spengler at San Diego Comic-Con.  I was on the fence at the time, but was compelled by the old psychological fallacy that if I was standing in line as long as I was, then there must have been something I wanted to buy.

I’ll probably continue picking up the 6-inch line but pass on the bigger figures.

Ray Stantz – 6-inch figure – $20

The likeness to Aykroyd is pretty good, certainly not as strong as Ramis, but it is not as far off from the figure I saw in the booth at SDCC. I do think the head got a little pinched in production. I am thinking that perhaps Aykroyd will end up being the hardest likeness to master (this is also evident to about the same extent in the 12 inch figure), but I hope that the Horsemen get to take another crack at him for a future variation. Toy Guru spoke of perhaps a “Sedgewick Hotel” version with the Ecto-Goggles, that would be a great place to try out a new head sculpt. Overall though, this one is not bad.

Ghostbuster 6-inch Ray Stantz - cardGhostbuster 6-inch Ray Stantz - with Egon SpenglerGhostbuster 6-inch Ray Stantz - closeupGhostbuster 6-inch Ray Stantz - Logo ghost

Ray does come with a fun accessory in the Ghost Busters logo “No Ghost”, complete with removable slash sign. It is cool to finally get this little guy though I am a little torn on the glow in the dark feature. It is neat (not quite as neat as Scareglow) but I think I would almost have preferred to have had the ghost cast in a bright white plastic to better resemble the logo. Perhaps we will be seeing that sometime in the future and I am happy to have this one. It does include a stand just like Slimer’s.

via First Look – Ghost Busters Classics Ray Stantz |

Ray Stantz – 12-inch figure – $60

The figure itself is an all new body developed by Mattel for their large scale figures. It does provide a lot of movement for Ray and I am able to put him into just about any natural and relevant pose. The build is also appropriate which is good since I imagine that they will be using this figure for all four of the regular Ghost Busters. Unfortunately, I do not own any Side Show or Hot Toys 1:6 figures so I cannot compare the bodies point for point but, as I said, you can get great movement from all of the joints and the figure is balanced well so he stands up with little effort.

Ghostbusters 12-inch Ray Stantz - cardGhostbusters 12-inch Ray Stantz - with lockerGhostbusters 12-inch Ray Stantz - closeup with trapGhostbusters 12-inch Ray Stantz - proton pack

The sculpts for this line are being done in house by Mattel (e.g. NOT by the Four Horsemen) and I have seen mixed reactions to the Aykroyd likeness in the head sculpt of this figure. As mentioned in my previous six-inch Ray review, Dan must be a hard guy to capture as the upcoming 1:6 Egon seems to have a stronger likeness to Harold Ramis. That isn’t to say that this head sculpt doesn’t measure up, it actually looks more like Ray than I originally thought it would, but it is still a little soft. I think the thing that throws a lot of people off is the hair sculpt, it is in an odd shape and makes his head seem a little tall. As you can see from the pictures, he looks much more like Aykroyd with the Ecto-Goggles on his forehead, I think that is because it covers up the hair.

via First Look – Ghost Busters Movie Masters Ray Stantz |

Hot Toys Terminator Salvation John Connor – Sideshow Exclusive

I happened on this while searching for more info on the upcoming Hot Toys Battle-Damaged Iron Man.  Quantities are low on both the Sideshow exclusive and regular versions, so if you’re looking to pick up a John Connor from Terminator: Salvation, do it soon.  The exclusive comes with the mini-computer he uses to reprogram Terminators and break into the Terminator factory.  I believe it also doubles as Connor’s MP3 player. 😉

Mattel WWE Update

Mattel has at long last released information on its upcoming World Wrestling Entertainment product lines, due to launch January 1st next year. WWE will be a huge franchise for Mattel – some of the early reports have said the plan is to release over 100 figures in 2010, just for the Basic line, which should retail for $9.99 each.

I am most interested in the Elite Collection, which features additional points of articulation, like ab crunches and ball-jointed hips.  Elite Collection figures should retail for $14.99 each.  We’ll hope to have more information in the next round of Ask Matty.

For more information, check out:

JAKKS Ultimate Fighting Championship Wave 0 Press Pics

For some reason I associated the new UFC line from JAKKS Pacific as a 2010 product, but they’re reporting on their Facebook page that Wave “0” is at Toys R Us and should be at Wal-Mart this upcoming week.  I’m looking forward to new sculpts, but Brock Lesnar and some others are reminiscent of the WWE Deluxe Aggression torsos, and look very odd atop those peg legs.

JAKKS UFC Wave 0 - Brock Lesnar
JAKKS UFC Wave 0 - Brock Lesnar

JAKKS UFC Wave 0 - Brock Lesnar - card.jpgJAKKS UFC Wave 0 - Frank Mir - card.jpgJAKKS UFC Wave 0 - Houston Alexander - card.jpgJAKKS UFC Wave 0 - Keith Jardine - card.jpgJAKKS UFC Wave 0 - Kendall Grove - card.jpg

Our UFC action figures, belts and play sets are finally here! Wave 0 action figures, Championship Belts and the Real Scale Octagon Ring just hit shelves at Toys”R”Us today and slated to hit shelves at Wal-Mart next week. Check it out!

via Facebook | UFC Action Figures- JAKKS Pacific’s Photos – Wall Photos.

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