VeeBee at the Fwoosh has posted first looks at Masters of the Universe Classics Zodak and Scareglow. Everyone out there please join me in a fit of jealousy. It’s cathartic!
Is anyone else disappointed that Zodak’s helmet isn’t removable? I was psyched when they announced “Zoblack” – I really dug the redesign for 200X and this is one of the ones I wanted reincorporated in Classics. Seeing him again, though, I wish there was more to distinguish his head from Zodac’s, other than the paint deco.

While this version kind of replaced the classic (And mysterious) Zodac from the vintage line, Mattel has gone back and included both of them in canon and they now share a close history as Enforcers in the galaxy (as you can see from his bio). I am glad that they are doing this as I am very much a classic-head, but I really did like the characterization of Zodak in the 200x cartoon.
The figure itself is 100% re-use in a kitbash of previously released figures (save for his staff). He is mostly the heroic He-Man body but with He-Ro’s shorts and boots, Hordak’s gloves and Zodac’s head and armor. Since Zodak was not shy about taking off his helmet in the 200x, and the original Zodak’s figure actually featured a removable helmet, I kind of wish they would have done the same thing here, but I can understand how it might have been cost prohibitive.
via First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Zodak |
Unlike VeeBee, I didn’t have any special affinity for Scareglow. He came much later in the original toy line and by then I had the end-all-be-all Jitsu and didn’t want any more toys. But I’ll be getting one anyways, because he’s part of the September – December subscription. He’ll be a cool-looking addition to my villains shelf.

For the actual figure, he is mostly the Skeletor body but he has the standard furry shorts as opposed to the more Roman-esque drawers of Skeletor. I dig the dark purple they used for his shins and feet, it is not a color that has shown up in the MOTUC pallet yet. The shiny purple gem on his belt is also a neat little touch.
Most of his body, including his head, is cast in a glow-in-the-dark plastic to recreate the same effect of the old figure. It, of course, works really well and when he is put in the dark, his erie presence shines through to scare the furry shorts off every Eternian this side of the Sands of Time. The “bone” pattern created on him is just like the vintage figure – glowing bones on a muscle-bound body. Ridiculous and I love it!
via First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Scareglow |