Fwoosher PJ picked up the exclusive Batman figure that’s included in the special edition of Superman Batman: Public Enemies on sale at Best Buy today. He confirms that the figure is indeed from DC Direct, contrary to what I posted yesterday. I’m not sure why DCD told me the figure wasn’t theirs when I asked them about it.
I picked up the Best Buy Superman/Batman Public Enemies DVD today and the promo figure is a DCD figure. It says it on the box and base of the figure. It’s just like the New Frontier Green Lantern and Batman vs Dracula figures were. He’s just a new sculpt (like Bats & Dracula were) and not a scaled down figure like the new Frontier figure was. Here’s some pics-
After what many experienced with DC Universe Classics Wave 5, the last Wal-Mart exclusive wave, some people have been skeptical about Mattel’s claim that Wave 10 would be more broadly distributed, since Wal-Mart increased the size of their order. So it’s a huge relief to have these figures in hand – at least I imagine that’s how the people who’ve actually found them feel, because I’m still in a holding pattern with Forager, who VeeBee at the Fwoosh was kind enough to pass my way for my Cosmic Odyssey display.
These photos and quick thoughts on the DCUC 10 figures are from Buzzy Fret, who found these figures at a regular Wal-Mart down in Gainesville, Florida. After you’re done here, check out Buzzy Fret Customs – he’s done a lot with DCUC base figures recently, and I’ll be commissioning a Robin from him soon.
Superman Batman Public Enemies With Exclusive Figure - DVD
It’s New Movie Tuesday tomorrow, and included on the list of new DVD releases is Superman Batman: Public Enemies, the latest animated feature from Warner Bros. Animation. Best Buy has an exclusive edition of the DVD that includes a Batman “figurine” – so far, I have not seen any additional information about that figure, but I can confirm that neither DC Direct nor Mattel (that has companion action figure lines in 6-inch and 3 3/4-inch scales coming to Target soon) was involved in making it.
I’m not planning on buying the DVD, but I’ll see if I can dig up more info on it when others do.
In an earlier Ask Matty Q&A, when asked about characters that aligned with recent DC storylines Toy Guru hinted at this set, the DC Universe Classics Color of Fear 2-Pack. It features Sinestro Corps members Romat Ru, Karu-Sil, and one of her fear dog constructs. I’m psyched for this set, which is coming out in November, a month later than originally planned, at Mattycollector.com. It will help build out my Green Lantern display, which is kind of empty right now with just Hal Jordan and Abin Sur there. I’m also hopeful that this set helps us get a re-do of Sinestro himself, who was undersized in his first release.
The figures look good, but there’s a little too much bleed through on Romat Ru, making the separation between yellow and black on his torso a bit blurry. We’ll have to see when this set hits if that varies from figure to figure.
DC Universe Classics Color of Fear 2-Pack - Karu-Sil and Romat Ru
I think this is a great set and the figures are really well done, but I am even more excited because I would really like to see this execution done across the entire Lantern color spectrum in upcoming releases. We could have Saint Walker (just a Deadman body away) and Warth, Star Sapphires Carol Ferris and Fatality, Red Lanterns Atrocitus and Vice (with a Dex-Star pack in), Larfleeze, Indigo, Black Hand, the list goes on and on! The Sinestro Corps is a good place to start though and this set does not disappoint.
DC Universe Classics Color of Fear 2-Pack – Karu-Sil and Romat Ru
DC Universe Classics Color of Fear 2-Pack – Romat Ru closeup
DC Universe Classics Color of Fear 2-Pack – Karu-Sil closeup
DC Universe Classics Color of Fear 2-Pack – Karu-Sil Dog Construct
I first took notice of the Diamond Select Toys Ultimate Quarter Scale figures at Toy Fair this year with their Star Wars figures. Around 19-inches, lots of articulation, realistic head sculpts, and voice chip technology – at around $90 these are in a class by themselves.
Now they’ve added a Terminator 2 figure, with a pretty good Arnold Schwarzenegger headsculpt.
Arnie Gets a Grown-up figure!
This ain’t just for kiddies anymore!
Our favorite Governor has got his own Ultimate Quarter Scale figure! (with zippers and everything!).
How soon do you think it’ll be till we start to see this in congress?!