Mattel has posted some info on Teela to answer questions following some of the reviews of samples that went out earlier in the week. Some reviews have noted that the Staff of Ka comes horribly warped – this clarifies that the staff is intended to be curvey.
VeeBee told me that the Fwoosh will be reviewing Teela pretty soon, hopefully today.
Since a few fan sites are doing reviews of Teela, I wanted to point out a few details on this awesome fig!
First off, she goes on sale Oct 15th, only on (along with bonus figure Zodak on the same day!)
Teela comes with the following:
Zoar (original colors)
Alt head with snake armor
Staff of Ka
The staff is supposed to be curvey at the bottom. This is not warping caused by the pack out. The Horsemen sculpted the staff after the original cross sell art which had a curvey staff!
Also, a lot of fans are asking about Zoar’s armor and pertch. We do have plans for both in the future in all the necessary colors. Stay tuned!
Two updates from the Asylum. First, check out the packaged shots of the upcoming Secret Wars Minimates, which have been pushed back to the November timeframe. Then, check out the previews for October, which include high res shots of Marvel Minimates Series 33 and new Star Trek and Star Wars items.
Also, fans of digital art, check out the Art Asylum blog for a step-by-step review of how Art Asylum creates the character renderings on their Minimates packaging: Marvel Minimates Get the Full Package Treatment.
7th Kingdom - Helm of Xaanm and Baddathiir - BBTS Exclusives
Have I mentioned that I love the Pile of Loot feature at Big Bad Toy Store? It helps offset one of the disadvantages of shopping online – the shipping costs. Pile of loot lets you combine orders to bring your overall shipping costs down, with the added convenience of being able to place your orders separately. The first order in your pile gets the bulk of the shipping costs, but as you add extra items whether it’s that same day or weeks later, you only get charged the incremental shipping. When you can’t wait for your items anymore, you tell BBTS to ship your pile, and start over again.
Anyways, I just got my latest pile of loot, and right at the top were Baddathiir and the Helm of Xaanm, the BBTS 7th Kingdom exclusives from this year and last. Since I’m cherry-picking the 7K exclusives again this year, I’ve been reviewing them in drips and drabs as I get them. I got Queen Alluxandra and Isadorra at San Diego Comic-Con and the RTM exclusive Raavia and the Shield of Draumm a couple weeks later.
Webstor was a founding member of the Eternian Blue Man Group, with Faker and Skeletor
I’m a bit late with the pics of the Masters of the Universe Classics Webstor. Thanks to the September through December MOTU Classics subscription (does it have a classy name like “Club Eternia?”) I had Webstor in hand last Thursday, but didn’t get the chance to open him until now. Even though I didn’t hit this month since I didn’t anything else on my buy list, I heard that the ordering was as smooth as it’s been. That’s good news, because as the year closes out, more and more figures will be must haves on the release schedule.
Don’t let him hear you call him the Burger King! Featuring body armor, he’s a lot more menacing than I remember him from the Filmation cartoon. I’m hoping it’s removable, so you can have him in a more classic look.
And, Randor and Keldor are half-brothers? The plot thickens!
Update: I can’t believe I didn’t post this right off the bat, but hey, with some different paint apps on that armor, you’ve got the makings of a MOTU Classics Jitsu! JITSU!!!
For those like me who have trouble discerning the little type, here’s the text from his bio:
King Randor – Heroic Ruler of Eternia
Real Name: Randor of the House of Miro
King Miro’s second born son, Randor, came of age during the Great Unrest, a time when conflict returned to Eternia following the Count Marzo Uprisings and the susequent betrayal by his half-brother Keldor. After the disappearance of his father, Randor was appointed Captain of the Guard and lead Miro’s troops in battle against Keldor’s growing rebellion. Randor eventually ended the battles by fatally wounding Keldor and locking his evil warriors behind the Mystic Wall. For this act he was appointed King by the Council of Elders. King Randor rises his staff exulting his rule over all Eternia.