Masters of the Universe Classics Scareglow Press Pics

Mattel has posted pictures of the upcoming Masters of the Universe Classics Scareglow on its Facebook page. We asked them about the Greyskull accessory in the last installment of Ask Matty, but they were still playing it coy.  The only clue from the cardback bio is that Scareglow is obsessed with breaking into Castle Grayskull.

Update: The official listing on the Mattycollector sales page lists the accessory as a “Cursed Grayskull reliquary.”   Websters defines a reliquary as “a container or shrine in which sacred relics are kept” – perhaps the reliquary keeps Scareglow bound to Eternia in his ghostly form, or in servitude to Skeletor.

I never had a Scareglow when I was a kid, but having all these glow in the dark MOTUC toys (like the ring that comes with Tri-Klops) is making me feel like a kid again.  Scareglow goes on sale on November 16th on

via Facebook |’s Photos – Scareglow!

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Marvel Select Abomination and Thing Painted Prototype Pics

You may not know who Eddie Wires is, but if you’re a fan of action figures, then you most likely have pieces of his work in your collection.  Eddie is one of the premier prototype painters, and certainly one of the more prolific ones.  He’s also an extremely nice guy – sorry, I couldn’t find a P-word for that.

I found these pictures in one of Eddie’s Facebook photo albums, and it’s really a mixed blessing.  While I love seeing his work, it’s almost like torture, because the production pieces can never truly match up.

You can see more of Eddie’s work at his website, Wires Productions.

Marvel Select AbominationMarvel Select Thing

via Facebook | Ed Wires’s Photos – More Toys and other Randomness…

San Diego Comic-Con – the Fwoosh Staff’s Best in Show –

I had to beg, borrow, and steal to get these lazy mofos (me included) to write something up, but here’s what some of the crackjack staff members at the Fwoosh (me included)  had to say about what we saw coming out of San Diego Comic-Con.

Best in Show

At last, because no one demanded it and because the show’s been over for a month already, here’s the San Diego Comic-Con Best in Show review, by your friendly neighborhood Fwoosh staff.

via San Diego Comic-Con – the Fwoosh Staff’s Best in Show |

Jurassic Park Toys Unearthed at Toys R Us

Hasbro’s announcement today that it is bringing back Jurassic Park toys as a Toys R Us exclusive has left some people shaking their heads like a chain-smoking Samuel L. Jackson trying to unhack a hacked computer system while carnivorous dinos are ready to pounce.  After all, Jurassic Park III, the unimaginatively named last movie in the franchise, was released way back in 2001, and the last time a Jurassic Park DVD saw print was in the holiday season of 2005, a reissuing of all three movies.

None of the news sites had any pictures, so I took a look on the Toys R Us website and found some of the electronic dinosaurs, priced at $17.99 each.  Cloning is expensive.

While it’s a curious product offering given the age of the movies, I am guessing that Hasbro and TRU saw an opening in the middle of the dinosaur toys category. At the high end, you’ve got products like Pleo, the Aibo of the dinosaur world that never quite got market traction, and Mattel’s D-Rex. Mattel also has a low-end offering for kids with the Fisher Price Imaginext Dinosaurs. By reusing tools from prior JPIII and Lost World toys, this was an easy way for Hasbro to gain reentry into the category.

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Hot Toys Announces Inglourious Basterds MMS License

So, I guess Hot Toys posting on its Facebook fan page that they “wanna know who are the REAL BASTERDS” was not a very tough clue to figure out.  As expected, Hot Toys followed that up with the announcement that they’ve acquired the license for Inglourious Basterds, the Quentin Tarantino World War II flick starring Brad Pitt that tore up the box office this past weekend for $37.6MM.

Sure, Hot Toys misspelled the title just like everyone else does, but don’t worry – the lethal offspring of the Pitt / Tarantino pairing is so strong that Inglourious Basterds is still the number one result when you enter “Inglorious” into Google.

Inglourious Bastard Hot Toys MMS Announcement

Hot Toys The next Hot Toys MMS License is…Inglorious Basterds!

via Facebook | Hot Toys.

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