Mattel has posted new pictures of the Masters of the Universe Classics He-Man and Skeletor that will be reissued in November and December, respectively. There doesn’t look to be any changes to the figures themselves, but the packaging will feature a minor change – a small new graphic that says “The Original” – I think this is a nice compromise that will suit new and old collectors alike.
New releases of He-Man and Skeletor coming this Winter!
MOTU Classics reissue – He-Man
MOTU Classics reissue – Skeletor
MOTU Classics reissue – cardback
Hey He-Fans!
As promised, we are going to kick off the re-releases of MOTUC figures starting with He-Man in November and Skeletor in December. Here is a sneak preview of the new package (with minimal changes). More info will be up on in a week or so!
NECA has blogged about their San Diego Comic-Con experience. I’ve included an excerpt of the toy-related stuff, but be sure to follow the link to the entire post, where they cover some of the movie activity (they hosted a signing with the cast and crew of “9”) and even poke a little fun at Randy Falk, their Director of Product Development.
Well friends, we’ve somehow managed to do it again. NECA has made it through another SDCC. Things on the left coast couldn’t have gone better, to be quite honest. All our exclusives sold well, especially the surprise addition of the Heroclix Thor’s Mighty Chariot (limited quantities are still available on the cheap from us at our Store), we world debuted new figures from BioShock, and unveiled the latest from Gears of War, Army of Two, Twilight: New Moon, Dante’s Inferno, 9, and Boondock Saints — and even showed off our brand new BATSU line of specially designed stylized figures, showing off the likes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Insane Clown Posse, Gears of War and Street Fighter!
It’s time for us to announce the winners of the Marvel Universe Covers Contest, brought to you by the Hasbro Marvel team and the guys who run and We had a very tough time picking just three winners, because all the covers entered this year were really great. So we’ll be adding three more prize winners for honorable mentions – but don’t get your hopes up guys, because your prizes will be coming from AFP’s Free Stuff stash.
Without further ado, here are your winners!
First Prize: Calbretto - Irredeemable Ant-Man #1
Calbretto blew us away with his composition of Robert Kirkman’s first issue of The Irredeemable Ant-Man. Ant-Man is known for his exaggerations, so while we can’t find 23 villains in the cover, we really enjoyed seeing so many Marvel baddies from Hasbro, Toy Biz, and Diamond Select being crushed by Calbretto’s custom Eric O’Grady Ant-Man.
It’s getting pretty late and I need my beauty rest, so this one covering the SDCC Exclusive Toy Story Buzz Lightyear is going to be pretty brief.
I’m not sure why I took pictures of the outer box. It’s black. It has what I presume is the Buzz Lightyear logo on it. It also picks up fingerprints like one of those beautiful people on CSI: Miami. The goods are inside. Buzz’s rocketship are held in place by a couple of cardboard inserts that help protect those wings. It’s been a long time since I’ve watched the first Toy Story, but the packaging is close enough for my poor memory. It evokes the packaging from the movie, even if it’s not accurate to it.