San Diego Comic-Con Hasbro Marvel Pics

It’s late (I forgot that I shouldn’t wait in lines on Preview Night – thank you for reminding me, Mattel!), so I’ll be brief with my comments.  Hasbro’s Marvel display had a lot to be excited about.

Update: Added the ML 2-Packs and and a few more pictures in most categories.

Marvel Legends 2-Packs – If the current wave of 2-packs sells, we should see white Ninja / Dum Dum Dugan, Sharon Carter / Stealth Iron Man, and Invisible Woman / Human Torch 2-packs hitting retail.

ML 2-packs - Hand Ninja vs. Dum Dum Dugan (1024x769).jpgML 2-packs - Sharon Carter and Stealth Iron Man (1024x768).jpgML 2-packs - Invisible Woman and Human Torch (1024x768).jpgML 2-packs - Dum Dum Dugan closeup (768x1024).jpgML 2-packs - Sharon Carter closeup (768x1024).jpgML 2-packs - Invisible Woman and Human Torch closeup (1024x768).jpg

Marvel Legends Fan Choice – Wow.  Eclectic choices.  Good looking figures that leverage lots of existing parts.  This will be a tough vote for the Fan Choice poll.

ML Fan Choice - Lady Bullseye (767x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - X-Force Wolverine (768x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - The Hood (769x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Bi-Beast (769x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Nuke (772x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Phoenix (766x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Madrox (769x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Paper Bag Spidey (1024x769).jpgML Fan Choice - Valkyrie (769x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Constrictor (1024x768).jpgML Fan Choice - Terror Inc. (763x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Havok (768x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Ms. Marvel 2 (764x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Warpath (762x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Black Widow (768x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Deadpool (766x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Fantomex (769x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - McGuinness Hulk (768x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Brother Voodoo (771x1024).jpgML Fan Choice (1024x768).jpgML Fan Choice 2 (1024x768).jpgML Fan Choice all (1024x768).jpgML Fan Choice - Deadpool 2 (768x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Deadpool 3 (768x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Fantomex 2 (763x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Ms Marvel (769x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Black Widow 2 (770x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Deadpool 4 (769x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - The Hood 2 (767x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Havok 2 (769x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Madrox 2 (770x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Brother Voodoo 2 (768x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Madrox 3 (766x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Brother Voodoo 3 (772x1024).jpgML Fan Choice - Madrox 4 (765x1024).jpg

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Toys R Us Sale on GI Joe and Transformers Action Figures is having a free shipping sale on selected GI Joes and Transformers, and selected Joes are going for 2 for $10.  With the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen still hot and the G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra movies upcoming, this is good chance to fill out your movie toy collections.

Marvel Select Thing – Early Sculpt from Art Asylum

Art Asylum has blogged about their work on a Thing for Marvel Select.  People have said that they thought this figure was canceled, but I haven’t heard one way or another.

My big pet peeve with the Things we’ve gotten in Marvel Legends (and Universe) is that they’re too tall.  Sure, he’s bulky, but he’s not as tall as Reed.  So this is a beautiful sculpt, but at Select scale I’m guessing it’ll be much too big to be compatible with my Legends collection.

Thank you Thing

Art Asylum's Marvel Select Thing prototype
Art Asylum's Marvel Select Thing prototype

This is way early in the development stage, but the Marvel Select Thing is coming along so beautifully that I just couldn’t resist sharing a look with you. Enjoy.

via Art Asylum Blog » Thank you Thing.

Marvel Universe Secret Wars Two-Packs – Wave 1 – carded

I hope you folks appreciate this.  Instead of helping my wife pack for our trip to San Diego (Comic-Con woooo!) I am taking pictures and posting.  She’s getting mad!  That’s not supposed to start until Comic-Con!  (For clarity, I mean all three things – the pictures, the posting, and the getting mad! :D)

Here’s a close look at the first wave of carded figures from Hasbro’s upcoming Marvel Universe Secret Wars comic packs.  First, the fronts:

  1. Captain America and Klaw, with Secret Wars #1
  2. Wolverine and Human Torch, with Secret Wars #2
  3. Spider-Man and Thunderball, with Secret Wars #3

Secret Wars #1 - Captain America and Klaw.JPGSecret Wars #2 - Wolverine and Human Torch.JPGSecret Wars #3 - Spider-Man and Thunderball.JPG

The numbering is based on what issue of the comic will be included as the pack-in.  Many people have pointed out that the characters included in the two-packs aren’t necessarily linked to the comic pack-in.  I’m sure that very clever people will figure out a how to pick figures according to issue number, but I’m guessing that for making each wave balanced with heavy hitters, this was probably too hard to optimize for sales.

Continue reading “Marvel Universe Secret Wars Two-Packs – Wave 1 – carded”

San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Mighty Muggs Wolverine

San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Mighty Muggs Wolverine - card top
San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Mighty Muggs Wolverine - card top

So, courtesy of the Marvel Universe Covers Contest and our good friends at Hasbro, we can begin our coverage of San Diego Comic-Con toys a day early.  If you’re into urban vinyl that is both cuddly and deadly, then look no further.  The San Diego Comic-Con exclusive Mighty Muggs Wolverine is just that.  He’s also the first Mighty Muggs Wolvie to feature retractable claws.  SNIKT!

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