Mattel Provides More Details on San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Purchases

Mattel has provided an update on how exclusives will be sold at San Diego Comic-Con.  Gone are the stamps, and there’s no effective limit on how many you can buy if you want to keep circling the booth.  I’m not sure, but I think that means getting to the Mattel booth early is the best option.  In past years, some exclusives have lasted until the crowds have thinned on Sunday, but with Gleek-Mania sure to strike, and the no limits boon for scalpers, I am guessing it’ll be like watching the red screen on hoping for a quick refresh – until they sell out.

Any guesses on the mystery MOTU Classics item?

Hey gang,

Only a few short weeks left to SDCC and we could not be more excited.

The latest info on our exclusives is on including limits and which items will be sold online after the show. While the limit on most items is 6 per person, you can get back in line and buy an additional 6 units if you wait again. (and hey, if you want to spend all of SDCC waiting in line over and over, that is each fan’s choice!). But it will be 6 of each item per person per line wait. We will not be stamping badges except for the free 3 3/4″ Anti-Monitor.

MOTUC He-Ro - headshot.jpgMOTUC He-Ro 1.jpgMOTUC He-Ro 2.jpgDCUC Wonder Twins - Zan, Jayna, and Gleek.jpgform of.jpgshape of.jpgGleek.jpgform of 2.jpgDCUC Wonder Twins Zan and Jayna.jpg30-inch Anti-Monitor.jpgDCIH Anti-Monitor.jpgJLU Abin Sur.jpgJLU Hal Jordan.jpgJLU Sinestro.jpgGhostbusters Egon Spengler and Slimer.jpg

Speaking of which, here is a quick run down on how the Anti-Monitor program will work.

The 3 3/4″ version will be available for sale at our retail booth and online after the show for $10.00. But if you have Anti-Monitor points from the back of all Infinite Heroes figures, you can exchange them at the central kiosk in our marketing booth (not the retail booth) for a FREE 3 3/4″ figure. Each fan will be limited to one free figure and tickets will be stamped. (although additional 3 3/4″ figures, again, can be purchased at the retail booth).

In addition, for each 25 points you have (including the first 50) you will receive a raffle ticket for a 30″ Anti-Monitor. At least one 30″ hand painted hand made Anti Monitor will be raffled off at 2:30 each day. You do not need to be present to win, but if you do not claim your prize by the next days auction it will be re-auctioned off.

We’ll have a lot of other exciting events and signings from Mattel designers and the Four Horsemen as well as two fan panels on Friday. DC and Mattel – A Powerful Partnership will be at 11:00 in room 2 , and Mattypalooza featuring MOTUC and Ghostbusters will be at 2:00 in room 2.

And lastly, we have a really exciting Masters of the Universe item for sale only at SDCC that has yet to be announced. Look for more details in the next two weeks!


via Facebook |’s Notes.

AFP’s Hasbro Marvel Q&A Roundup – 7/2/9

The Hasbro Marvel team checks in for the latest round of Q&A.  There’s some updates on when we’ll be seeing the Iron Man animated line and a clue on who will be coming in Secret Wars.  Unfortunately, my plea for Hasbro to just send me a Mighty Muggs Logan was far too subtle.

1. We’ll save the bulk of our San Diego Comic-Con questions for next Q&A, but here’s one for planning purposes. Will all the Marvel exclusives be available on And will there be any differences between what’s available at the con and what will be released through HTS?

wolverine_MM_Box.jpgMarvel_Captain America_PACK.jpgMarvel_70_Years_0017.jpgMarvel_70_Years_0063.jpg

Yes, they will be available online, but they usually go reaaaaly fast, so make sure to get them quick! They’ll be the same as the units that are sold at the show.

Continue reading “AFP’s Hasbro Marvel Q&A Roundup – 7/2/9”

AFP’s Ask Matty Round-Up for 7/1/9

This will be the last Ask Matty before San Diego Comic-Con, and it’s a double-sized edition. Mattel will resume taking our questions in August. Now, buckle up and have fun!

1. What are the DC comics that you’re reading? How do they influence what you want to see in the various DC toy lines?

From Toy Guru:


Pretty much everything DC puts out these days is required reading! On a personal note, I really enjoy the current Green Lantern and Flash Rebirth storylines. Booster Gold, Legion of Superheroes, Batman, the War that Time Forgot and Action Comics are also favorites.

The current DC Archives collection hardbacks have been a fantastic way to re-read some classic stories like the Batman Annuals and the Roots of Swamp Thing. Highly recommended! Kamandi and anything by Jack Kirby is also a favorite of mine.

Favorite characters definitely have a way of influencing both Mattel, DC Comics, Warner Brothers and the Four Horsemen as we decide each year who makes the cut in each line!

Continue reading “AFP’s Ask Matty Round-Up for 7/1/9”

DC Direct Blackest Night – Georg Brewer Interview –

A couple of weeks ago, revealed the DC Direct exclusive for San Diego Comic-Con – a set of five Hal Jordan action figures, in not just his own Green Lantern costume, but in the costumes of four other Lantern Corps (Red, Orange, Yellow, and Blue) as well.

Yesterday got another scoop as they published an interview with Georg Brewer, the VP of Creative for DC Direct.  In it, George reveals four upcoming waves of DCD’s Blackest Night figure line.  Excerpt below.

IGN Comics: How far in advance did you plan, design and sculpt these figures to make it out during the event? Is it a major challenge to coordinate something like this between the comics division and DC Direct, particularly given that toys/statues need more lead time and comics have a much shorter turnaround?

Brewer: Yes and yes! Everyone saw early on that Blackest Night was going to be huge, and as I mentioned getting everyone on board and excited to have the toy line up and running during the event was a real opportunity for us all. Given the time needed for figures this is no easy feat. When we can actually pull it off it is a great bit of synergy that adds even more to the overall comic event experience. However, to do so means we all have to work closely together, and really push each of our development schedules so product can be ready when needed, and in some cases (like with the Black Lanterns) we even hold back or tease some of the visuals so as not to hinder the excitement of finding them in the story as it unfolds.

IGN Comics: Can you give us the technical specs for these figures – size, articulation, MSRP and any other noteworthy features?

Brewer: Sure!

DC Direct Blackest Night (credit:
DC Direct Blackest Night (credit:

Wave #1

  • Black Lantern Earth-2 Superman 6.5″
  • Alpha Lantern Boodika with removable face plate 6.75″
  • Blue Lantern Saint Walker with power battery 7.5″
  • Atrocitus with power battery 7.25″

Wave #2

  • Black Lantern Martian Manhunter 7″
  • Green Lantern John Stewart with power battery 6.75″
  • Indigo with Power battery 7″
  • Kryb with removable back cage that stores 2 alien children 7″

Wave #3

  • Black Lantern Aquaman 6.75″
  • Green Lantern Arisia with power battery 6.5″
  • Star Sapphire with power battery 6.625″
  • Larfleeze The Orange Lantern with Glomulus and power battery 7″ GLOMULUS is 2.375″

Wave #4

  • Black Lantern Firestorm 6.75″ to top of head (helmet increases height)
  • Green Lantern Kyle Raynor with power battery 6.75″
  • Black Hand with Batman skull 6.75″
  • Wonder Woman 6.625″ to top of head (hair increases height)

Later waves are in the planning stages.

via IGN: DC Direct Discusses Blackest Night Plans.

DC Universe Classics Clash in the Cosmos – Superman and Braniac

Clash in the Cosmos - Superman and Braniac
Clash in the Cosmos - Superman and Braniac

Clash in the Cosmos is one of three two-packs available from Mattel in the DC Universe Classics line. This two pack features Superman and Brainiac, and like the Fists of Clay two-pack (featuring Batman and Clayface), it’s available at online retailers, while the Battle for Earth 3 two-pack (featuring Ultraman and Alexander Luthor) that I reviewed earlier is a exclusive, the second allotment of which is going on sale tomorrow.

Looking for Superman gear?  Check out these two ActionFigurePics sponsors!  Superman T-Shirts | Superman T-Shirts

I’m just now realizing that with all of these two-packs I’ve been completely unaware of their official name until I had them in my hands, previously knowing them only as the Superman / Brainiac two pack, etc. It’s funny because the names are quite catchy. I’ll have to do a better job of learning those up front.

Continue reading “DC Universe Classics Clash in the Cosmos – Superman and Braniac”

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