Posters on TheFwoosh.com who have found wave 4 of Marvel Universe have shared some details on the Nick Fury exclusive figure that was revealed at New York Comic-Con earlier this year. Apparently, our favorite cigar-chomping SHIELD agent will be available as an incentive to subscribe to the Marvel Digital Comics service. The Hasbro figures must have arrived earlier than expected – Marvel’s site (marvel.com/nickfury) is not yet live and there’s no other information available.
So, I picked up my Union Jack and and Hobgoblin from Wave 4 at Target today. Both of them have the sticker on them about the Nick Fury offer. Here is exactly what they say
Front: Nick Fury Exclusive Figure Offer marvel.com/nickfury
Side: “Get the Exclusive Nick Fury figure with a Marvel Digital Comics Subscription at: $24.99 ($8.33/month) for a 3-Month or $59.88 ($4.99/month) for an Annual. Details inside or visit marvel.com/nickfury)” “Offer valid US and Canada only.” “Offer Valid 6/1/09 – 12/31/09”.
First of all – even though the packaging says “Details Inside” there is absolutely nothing containing any details on the offer inside the package. In each figure package was the Fury Files card, memo and secret code and nothing else. Nothing further explaining the offer for the Nick Fury figure.
Also, as another poster pointed out, going to marvel.com/nickfury just gets you an error page as there is no content for that page yet. I guess they won’t have it go live until 6/1.
But, based on the wording on the sticker it’s implying that the Nick Fury figure is going to be a free give away for purchasing a subscription to Digital Comics at Marvel.com.