Passing on some tips, tricks or minutiae for action figure customizing.

Howdy from the dark, dank Buzzy Cave!
When I first saw the news about the Masters of the Universe Classics line from Mattel the first thing I thought was, “Cool! Barbarian figures to make custom barbarians with!” Then a couple things put me off the idea – the biggest reason being the tiny hands. I can’t stand the way they look. I understand that Mattel and the Four Horsemen are incorporating a lot of the aesthetic from the original He-Man/MOTU line in MOTUC and the small hands are part of that package, but the little hands on the end of those huge arms really bugged me. But recently I’ve seen some very cool customs made with MOTUC bases and I’ve been inspired to try using them for a couple projects, which leads us here: how to fix those hideous, tiny hands!

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