Howdy Action Figure Fanatics! Coming at ya today with the Super Powers tie-in for DC Universe Classics Wave 14, Tyr! I’m pressed for time so I’m keeping it short and sweet.
Author: Buzzy Fret
DC Universe Classics Green Lantern’s Light 5 Pack Quick Pics
I’ve been holding off on the DCUC Wal-Mart Exclusive Green Lantern’s Light set because I considered the $60 price tag a little high and I was only really interested in Guy Gardner and Tomar Tu (I know Mattel called him Tomar Re, but he’s Tu for me). Last Tuesday (Dec. 14th) my patience paid off when I did my daily check up on the listing for GLL on Wal-Mart’s online store and saw that the set was on sale for $44 with “Free Shipping to Home”. I figured that was a pretty good deal so I pulled the trigger. The order details said it would arrive by 12/21 but I got a nice surprise when Fed Ex delivered it on the 18th! Woot!
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DC Universe Classics Custom Starfire
About a year and a half ago my good friend Xavion2004 said to me; “I’m really unhappy with the DC Universe Classics version of Starfire, would you be interested in making a custom of her for me?” and, feeling overconfident about my customizing skills at the time, I said; “Sure, she can’t be too hard to do.” Ha! 18 months and 3 revisions later, I finally finished her…
DC Universe Classics Wave 14 Green Lantern & Obsidian

It’s been a while since I reviewed Hourman, so I thought I’d make it up by doing a deuce for DC Universe Classics Wave 14 Golden Age Green Lantern and Obsidian (Todd to his friends)! But first, I need to give props yet again to my good friend Xavion2004. Ya see, I’m one of the unlucky whose local Wal-Marts had DCUC dropped from their toy departments just in time for this exclusive Wave and the Holiday Shopping Frenzy. Fortunately the Wal-Marts of Jacksonville have been overflowing with DCUC 14 and Xavion2004 very kindly hooked up me, Ron and quite a few others. Thank you, my AF Collecting Bro, Santa should be putting something extra special in yer stocking this year!
One more thing before we get down to it, I’m gonna be honest with ya kids, Buzzy’s tired. Between the holidaze and working on customs, my brain is more fried than usual, so I’m just gonna hit y’all with some pretty pics of Alan and Todd and restrict the yappin’ to a few goofy captions. Enjoy!
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DC Universe Classics Wave 15 Collect & Connect Validus
Howdy all! Here we are finishing up DC Universe Classics Wave 15 with some pretty pics of the Collect & Connect figure from the 31st Century, Validus!
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