AFP’s Best of 2012 – Ron’s Picks

It’s almost February, so I figured I better get to my picks (and pics) for Best of 2012! I’ll get us started with one of the choices I included in the Fwoosh Best of 2012 post – the Marvel Legends Build-A-Figure Arnim Zola.

2012 was a great year for Marvel Legends, with Hasbro finally getting the flagship line back to retail. And it was an especially great year for Marvel villains. In the three 2012 waves, we got: Terrax, Constrictor, Klaw, Madame Masque, Madame Hydra, Daken, Mystique, Dr. Doom, Thunderball, and Piledriver. You could even throw in the Marvel Select Ultron.

But none stand above Arnim Zola, the Build-A-Figure for wave 2. C’mon! It’s Arnim Zola!

Best of 2012 - Marvel Legends Arnim Zola

The World War II WMD dealer looks like he popped out of a Jack Kirby drawing. He’s got the classic orange and purple color scheme, with the tunic and skirt. His legs are ribbed for your pleasure, and he’s got the trademark Kirby flare on his crotch flap. And that Zola face? Pure evil.

To top it all off, via the Madames and Wrecking Crew running changes, you can give your classic Zola a modern twist – the BAF pieces that came with Madame Hydra and Piledriver let you build a Red Skull trapped in a Zola construct. That’s why Zola is the best of 2012 – quit arguing and just accept it.

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Masters of the Universe Classics Whiplash Quick Pic

Masters of the Universe Classics - Whiplash

A current discussion on the Masters of the Universe Classics forum at the Fwoosh turned once again to the 200x heads. My new favorite Fwoosher, Balthus Dire, had this to say:

I think I’m probably the only person in the universe who doesn’t think the 200x Whiplash head looks bad on MOTUC Whiplash.

Not so, my friend! I love the 200x Whiplash head and was inspired to snap this quick pic. The rest of you who showed your love for the modern Whiplash – thank you too! And rest assured, more people like the 200x Whiplash head than you might think. And here’s the previous quick pics I snapped of Whiplash a couple years ago.

We need to encourage Mattel to start including more alternate heads with MOTUC again.

Hasbro Marvel Legends 2013 Wave 1 Hyperion and Red She-Hulk

Marvel Legends 2013 - Hyperion and Red She-Hulk

To close out the week, here’s the two Marvel Legends 2013 wave 1 figures that are introducing new body types to the line – Hyperion and Red She-Hulk. Both figures also come with parts of the mini-Build-A-Figure, Hit Monkey, but I’ll be taking a look at him in a future update. For now, let’s take a closer look at these two.

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Hasbro Marvel Legends 2013 Wave 1 Wolverine and Archangel

Marvel Legends 2013 - Wolverine and Archangel

I figured after posting the group shot and packaged pics of HML 2013 wave 1, I would ease us in with the two figures that are purely re-decos – Wolverine and Archangel, who were both in Hasbro’s SDCC exclusive Uncanny X-Force 3-pack last summer. I’ll admit that when I first saw at San Diego that Hasbro would be reissuing these figures in just a few month’s time, I had flashbacks to the SDCC 2011 exclusive Marvel Legends Thor and his subsequent re-release in the first wave of (Return of) Marvel Legends. With Thor, at first I was disappointed with the announcement but was ultimately pleased with the retail re-release – and with these two X-Men, I went through the same.

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Hasbro Marvel Legends 2013 Wave 1 – Group Shot and Packaged Pics

Marvel Legends 2013 - group shot

Marvel Legends 2013 is here, and with your indulgence, I’m going to drop the “(Return of)” label – while the Build-A-Figure has shrunk to mini-proportions, the figures are exceptional. Dare I say that we’re seeing Legends at its best ever?

I’m hard-pressed to come up with a former Legends wave as good as this. Sure, we’ve got extensive re-use, including two completely recycled figures in Wolverine and Archangel (from the most excellent San Diego Comic-Con Uncanny X-Force exclusive 3-pack), but the new decos are awesome on two already great figures. We’ve also got the introduction of two new brawler bodies in Hyperion and Red She-Hulk – my first impressions on both are really favorable. With Ultimate Cap and Protector, we’re getting re-used bodies with some nice add-on parts to make them unique. Of the bunch, Protector is the low point for me, mostly because I’m not a fan of the costume.

And Hit Monkey? For a mini-BAF, he’s pretty damn cool. As a smaller figure, he’s got a couple fewer points of articulation, but you’d hardly notice it – he can hold lots of very dynamic poses. He’s got the new ankles, giving him a lot wider range of stable positions. I think you’ll like the Hit Monkey mini-BAF, even if you hate the character (because he’s the product of hack writer Daniel Way.)

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