The last we saw of him, moldie13 was out in the desert shooting pics of the WWRp Armstrongs. We loved those pics so much that when he showed up with the Heavy Bramble from the big brother World War Robot line (WWRp is a 6-inch scaled line, while WWR is the original 12-inch scaled line), we asked him if he’d share some more pics with us.
The day of New Year’s Eve, the buzz started over at the threeA forums about the WWR Heavy Bramble MK 2.5’s finally hitting in Southern California, which spells a drop in Vegas on the same day – and I had to go to work… which meant that if I missed the delivery, I’d have to wait a few more days for a robot I’d already been waiting for months to show up. “It’s worth a shot,” I thought to myself. So I ripped off a post-it note and scrawled “LEAVE PACKAGE HERE” and printed and signed my name, got on my bike, and pedaled to work.
New Year’s Eve Twenty-Ten – the end of the worst year I can remember having. The story’s long enough already so I’ll spare you the rest of the details and get to the point – it worked. One big-ass box from threeA Toys sitting on my doormat. The year would end with a hunk of Heavy Bramble happiness after all.
This is the World War Robot Bramble Mark two-point-five, the “Heavy Bramble,” termed so for its upgraded carrying capacity (its arms are gigantic in scale compared to the original Bramble model) and its massive cannon, the PORNSTAR RPG.
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