A week ago I posted my Earth 2 Superman, Batman, Hawkman, and Robin customs, which were part of a group entry for the DC Universe Classics Justice Society of America in CustomCon 24. These three Marvel Legends customs were a solo entry called Marvel Legends Martial Arts Masters.
I’m going to return to my traditional style write-up of talking about the individual customs, as there’s a bit of history and a little more complexity in how they were created. As a group, the interesting thing is how much time elapsed between finishing the customs and when I actually published them at CC24. It’s different for each figure. Shang Chi was essentially finished a year back or more. Iron Fist was the same, but I was adding some tweaks in the weeks leading up to CustomCon. And Steel Phoenix was finished the day he got posted, and in a rush, too.
I honestly thought about canning the entry when I put up Rust This World’s entry for Immortal Iron Fist and the Immortal Weapons, but I had been sitting on finished customs for Iron Fist and Shang Chi for so long that I just went for it.