We’re back with the first round of Mattel Q&A for 2010. Thanks to Toy Guru and Manic Mike!
1. We asked about the purple-suited Catwoman from the Gotham City 5 a few months back, and you indicated that while Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe figures were possible, there were other video games you might look at first. Now that a sequel to Arkham Asylum has been announced, how do you think Arkham Asylum figures would fit into the Mattel DC line up? How do you think the Arkham Asylum character designs would translate into toys?

[Custom Arkham Asylum Batman by Doubledealer]
There’s no doubt the Arkham Asylum figures are incredible, but they are all 100% unique sculpts so there would be some slight issues getting them to toys. That does not mean it’s not out of the question, it’s just too early right now for us to comment on 2011 toys!
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