Now that the whirlwind of San Diego Comic-Con is behind us, Mattel is back at the never-ending task of answering our fan questions. If you’ve got something you’d like to ask Matty in a future installment, leave us a comment and we’ll try to incorporate it an upcoming batch.
Here’s the latest set of Q&A. Thanks to Mattel and Toy Guru!
1. Great showing at SDCC! Of the various new announcements that Mattel made at SDCC (or shortly thereafter), which one are you most excited about and why?
World’s Greatest Super Heroes overview
WGSH Green Arrow
WGSH Wave 1 – Superman, Lex Luthor, Green Lantern, and Sinestro
12-inch Movie Masters overview
Movie Masters General Zod
Movie Masters Superman
The World’s Greatest Superheroes and 12” Movie Masters of Superman and Zod are personal favorites. The first World’s Greatest figure, Green Arrow, will be on MattyCollector on 12/15/09 followed by a retail wave in late Spring 2010. These will be incredible!
The Hasbro Marvel team checks in for the latest round of Q&A. There’s some updates on when we’ll be seeing the Iron Man animated line and a clue on who will be coming in Secret Wars. Unfortunately, my plea for Hasbro to just send me a Mighty Muggs Logan was far too subtle.
1. We’ll save the bulk of our San Diego Comic-Con questions for next Q&A, but here’s one for planning purposes. Will all the Marvel exclusives be available on And will there be any differences between what’s available at the con and what will be released through HTS?
Yes, they will be available online, but they usually go reaaaaly fast, so make sure to get them quick! They’ll be the same as the units that are sold at the show.
This will be the last Ask Matty before San Diego Comic-Con, and it’s a double-sized edition. Mattel will resume taking our questions in August. Now, buckle up and have fun!
1. What are the DC comics that you’re reading? How do they influence what you want to see in the various DC toy lines?
From Toy Guru:
Pretty much everything DC puts out these days is required reading! On a personal note, I really enjoy the current Green Lantern and Flash Rebirth storylines. Booster Gold, Legion of Superheroes, Batman, the War that Time Forgot and Action Comics are also favorites.
The current DC Archives collection hardbacks have been a fantastic way to re-read some classic stories like the Batman Annuals and the Roots of Swamp Thing. Highly recommended! Kamandi and anything by Jack Kirby is also a favorite of mine.
Favorite characters definitely have a way of influencing both Mattel, DC Comics, Warner Brothers and the Four Horsemen as we decide each year who makes the cut in each line!
UPDATE: Before we get to the Q&A, Toy Guru just posted a Facebook update on MOTU Classics Hordak and DCUC Luthor and Ultraman – both products sold out within two hours this morning. DC fans – more of that two-pack is on the way, but Hordak fans will need to wait for a reissue. Here’s the full text:
Update on Hordak and Alex Luthor/Ultraman sale
Today at 4:43pm
Hey toy fans,
Just to give everyone the latest info from today’s sale of MOTUC Hordak and DCUC Alex Luthor and Ultraman two pack!
1: Ultraman and Luthor (much like Mer-Man) came over on two different shipments. We sold through our first shipment pretty quick, but never fear DC fans, more are on the way – most lilkely by the end of next week. We’ll keep you updated as we confirm an on sale date for this second batch.
2: As for Hordak, well he has been our most successful figure yet. We produced as many Hordak’s as we did Zodac and Mer-Man, but he also sold out faster than any other figure! Just goes to show the power of the Horde lives!
We will continue to increase numbers and adjust as needed on a figure by figure basis. We are well aware of which figure are more popular (i.e. Zodac vs. Hordak) and will continue to do our best to adjust production without the dreaded line-killing over-production option. And yes, in time Hordak will be back for a second run much like we are doing with He-Man and Skeletor in the fall.
And keep in mind that the full 12 figure MOTUC subscription for 2010 will be available in July starting at SDCC (you can even sign up right in our booth if you are at the show!). This is the best method to guarantee you get every figure. And as a bonus, the 2010 subscription will include extra items only available to subscribers (and there will be a nominal fee to cover this). more details will be revealed in San Diego.
Next up is Man-At-Arms on July 15. After that, see you in San Diego!
Now, here’s the latest round of Q&A with Mattel. Thanks again to Toy Guru!
We know SDCC is almost upon us and you’ll be saving up reveals for the show, so we’ll keep our questions light for this session. We’ll start with a couple of questions about the DC properties.
1. Of the figures that have made it or will make it to the shelves, which ones are your favorites and why? (If your favorite is in production but hasn’t been announced yet, feel free to give us a hint.)
DCUC Green Arrow
DCIH Anti-Monitor with giant SDCC Anti-Monitor Giveaway
JLU Blackhawk (credit:
JLU Amanda Waller
DCUC: Green Arrow tends to be a favorite around here. The new hand articulation really works for Ollie!
DCIH: The SDCC 3 ¾” Anti Monitor is way cool. And you can get one free with 50 AntiMonitor points at the show.
JLU: Blackhawk and Amanda Waller are both personal favorites. To get them both in JLU style is just a thrill.
Here’s the latest round of Q&A with Mattel. Thanks again to Toy Guru!
1. With the upcoming DC Universe Classics 2-pack of Alexander Luthor and Ultraman, Mattel is showing that they can go pretty deep in terms of character selection. What are some of the DC team’s favorite characters that you think may never be able to make it into the line for whatever reason? Hopefully Jonah Hex isn’t on that list!
We are hoping to get to both obscure and A-list characters in time. If there is fan demand, the sky’s the limit.