Looking for Marvel Legends Iron Man and Maria Hill 2-Pack? In Stock at ToysRUs.com

ML 2-Packs (900x900).jpgML 2-Packs - SHIELD Leaders - Tony Stark - closeup (901x1200).jpgML 2-Packs - SHIELD Leaders - Iron Man - action (836x1200).jpgML 2-Packs - SHIELD Leaders - Maria Hill - closeup (897x1200).jpgML 2-Packs - SHIELD Leaders - Maria Hill - action (899x1200).jpgML 2-Packs - SHIELD Leaders - Maria Hill and Iron Man (900x1200).jpg

Now that the Marvel Legends series 2.5 2-packs, which include Stealth Iron Man and Sharon Carter, have hit Toys R Us both at retail and online, I keep hearing how some people missed the original Iron Man and Maria Hill 2-pack (see my review). These are pretty much non-existent at their bricks and mortar stores now, but they just became available again at the TRU website.

The Dum Dum and Stealth Iron Man packs are out of stock, but they still have the Fantastic Four and the Kree / Skrull 2-packs in stock.

Happy shopping!

Four Horsemen Holiday Sale and Queen Alluxandra “Swimsuit” Variant

Our friends, the Four Horsemen, are holding a holiday sale starting at the end of today and running through the end of the year.  Headlining the sale is a new Seventh Kingdom variant – a Queen Alluxandra repaint in her royal swimsuit.

In case you’re gathering clues, the Seventh Kingdom is probably weather-aligned with the southern hemisphere – it’s winter here in the United States, but Alluxandra is shedding layers for the summer heat.  Mrow!  😀

Be sure to check out http://www.StoreHorsemen.com starting at the end of today!

Queen Alluxandra Swimsuit Variant
Queen Alluxandra Swimsuit Variant


The Four Horsemen have announced that beginning Wednesday, Dec. 9th at 11:59pm est, their online retail outlet, Store Horsemen (http://www.StoreHorsemen.com), will be having a nearly store-wide 50% off sale!

Continuing through the next three weeks, until December 31st, almost every item in the store will be on sale for half it’s normal retail price! Many of the items listed are nearly sold out, so be sure to place your orders early!

At the same time on Wednesday the new, never before revealed, Store Horsemen exclusive “Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra” figure will go on sale for only $20.00 each (plus shipping)!

It’s Summer-time in Drakkignir, and that means it’s time for the Drakkignans to hit the beach – and that includes Queen Alluxandra of the Bluddmane Clan!

Dressed in her royal bathing attire, complete with her Summer cape which doubles as her beach towel*, Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra also wields her royal scepter and sword, as well as a removable dagger.

Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra is limited to only 250 pieces, so be sure to get yours quickly before they’re gone!

Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra might beat you harshly with her scepter if she catches you staring at her exposed belly button.

Last, as a special incentive, if you order any Store Horsemen “Holiday Half Price Sale” items along with “Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra”, we’ll slash another 50% off of your shipping cost when we process your order!!

Bluddmanes, bludgeonings with a royal scepter and bare bellies! Does it get any b-b-better?

* WARNING: Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra’s cape does not actually double as a beach towel… Unless you’ve got a really good imagination, or you’ve got decent customizing skillzz. In that case, have at it!

One Day Sale Today at Sideshow Collectibles

Han Solo 1Indiana JonesX-Men Statue

Sideshow Collectibles is having a one day sale today, with coupon codes for 35 or 50% on selected figures and statues. If you’re a Harrison Ford fan, then you’re in luck, because he shows up in both categories, with the Medicom RAH Han Solo for 35% off and Medicom RAH Indiana Jones (Crystal Skull) for 50% off.

They’ve also got some Hellboy, Marvel, and Predator items on the list, which will change throughout the day based on availability.

DC Universe Classics Wave 12 Dr. Mid-Nite, Eclipso, and Iron on eBay

Early eBay auctions from the Far East can be an indicator of when items are a few weeks away from hitting the United States, and a couple of auctions have popped up for DC Universe Classics Wave 12, for Dr. Mid-Nite, Eclipso, and Iron.

I’m not sure what these ones mean for the timing of 12, because the auction titles list them as “pre-sale” though the auction description suggests that the seller has them in hand.  My guess is that we *won’t* see these in the US before year end, but I’ve been wrong before.

Dr. Mid-Nite – ends Dec 03, 200914:58:07 PST

Dr. Mid-Nite 1Dr. Mid-Nite 2Dr. Mid-Nite 3

Eclipso – ends Dec 03, 200914:58:21 PST

Eclipso 1Eclipso 2Eclipso 3

Iron – ends Dec 03, 200914:58:29 PST

Iron 1Iron 2

I’m not advocating buying these, because I’d bet they’ll be hitting retail in massive quantities inside of six weeks, but at this point, Eclipso and Iron have a starting price of $3.99 with $4.50 shipping to the US, and no bids.  Dr. Mid-Nite has a few bids – I think he’ll be one of the most popular figures in DC Universe Classics Wave 12.

Do Your Black Friday Shopping From Home!

In today’s installment of “the universe loves a good play on words,” I found a Forager while out hitting a couple of Wal-Marts.  I usually don’t like going to Wal-Mart, because where we live I never find anything, but we’re on the road celebrating her birthday and Thanksgiving, so I was tagging along.

But Black Friday – forget it.  These days I don’t have the willpower to put together a plan of attack and brave the crowds, so I’m much happier staying away from the stores.

That doesn’t mean I’ll be missing out on all the deals though.  Here’s a list of toy-related deals that the retailers have put together for guys like me.  If you’d rather shop from the comfort of your own home, check them out!

OK, I think that should keep us homebodies busy for a couple hours early Friday morning. Happy shopping!

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