Just wanted to post a quick reminder that the Masters of the Universe Classics Zodac and the Justice League Unlimited Legion of Super Heroes 4-Pack will be on sale tomorrow, May 15, at 9AM PT. The past two MOTU Classics figures sold out within hours, so don’t be late!
Masters of the Universe Classics Zodac
Zodac® Action Figure
Coming May 15, 2009
Masters of the Universe® Classics
Cosmic Enforcer™
The original neutral Cosmic Enforcer™ is back as a highly detailed, fully articulated action figure in the new Masters of the Universe® Classics series. Zodac® comes complete with removable armor and cosmic blaster. A must have for any Masters of the Universe® fan!
Available May 15th, 2009 only on MattyCollector.com.
From the far reaches of the 31st century come four brand-new JLU action figures to complete your collection! We welcome the arrival of Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad and Braniac 5 by offering them as four individually carded figures shipped together in one slip case—the first time you can get ‘em this way at MattyCollector.com!
Capitalizing on the upcoming Terminator: Salvation movie, opening May 21st, NECA has announced four new figures based on T2: Judgment Day. Three 7-inch scaled figures will feature new tooling and articulation. The fourth figure is in the 12-inch scale.
Come With Us If You Want To Live Awesomely
New T2 Figures Unleashed!
Just in time for the release of Terminator: Salvation, NECA is proud to unveil a brand new series of 7″ figures based on James Cameron’s groundbreaking T2: Judgment Day! All three figures feature new editions of the T-800, including two new Arnolds with interchangeable heads!
The still-terrifying Endoskeleton has a newly tooled head and improved articulation, with over 20 moving parts and a Plasma Rifle accessory. A leather-clad Pescadero Escape T-800 comes with a ball-jointed neck, shoulders, elbows and wrists and is packing heat in the form of a Winchester Shotgun. And last but not least, the Man or Machine T-800 boasts a ball-jointed neck and shoulders, as well as swivel biceps, waist and boots, and a pistol, in case Robert Patrick should happen along.
A 12″ version of the Pescadero Escape T-800 will be released in June, and the 7″ figures will be back in late summer/early fall with a whole new second series!
Mattycollector.com has published more information about the subscription plan for Masters of the Universe Classics, which will be available in a couple of weeks.
Well we know fans have been waiting for an update and here it the latest:
The MOTU subscription program will be available May 18th through 22nd.
You can purchase as many subscriptions as you want. Each subscription includes the Sept – Dec 2009 MOTUC figures
Convention, rerelease and repaint figures are not included simply because not all fans may want the rereleases and convention figures may change in price or release date
We will have a 2010 subscription for Jan – Dec 2010 figures in mid August with the same rules applying
Once you purchase a subscription you are locked in (i.e. no refunds)
Figures will continue to be revealed about three months ahead of time, so yes, if you buy a subscription you are agreeing to purchase which ever figure comes out that month even if not revealed yet
Options will be available to be charged and have figures ship each month, or to have all figures held, shipped and be charged at the end of the year.
Figures will also still be available to purchase each month with the standard limit of 10 (if you want more than 1 of a certain figure for example)
A few additional details will be on MattyCollector.com on the news section tomorrow and I’ll do my best to check in here often to answer any other questions!
Hope this will really help those who want a complete set!
1. Have the plans for San Diego Comic Con exclusives been firmed up, and when will we see pictures (also see question 5)? Last year’s Hasbro Toy Shop booth was one of the tougher lines at the convention, and it was further impacted by the ticketing system. Any plans to make changes to how it works at the show, and will all items be available for online purchase?
We are still in the planning stages for SDCC so it is too early to discuss specifics. We can tell you that there will be a limited number of all 3 Marvel Exclusives (Invaders 4 Pack, single carded Captain America and Wolverine Mighty Mugg) available online for fans who can’t make it to the show.
Mattel provided close to final production images of Hordak on their Facebook page. Hordak goes on sale on June 15.
Wow, is it already May! Holy cow this year is flying by. We are already up to Zodac in a few days and Hordak next month.
To get preped, here is the close to final Hordak carded images. (the actual sticker on the front will be a bit cleaner cut, this one was done by hand for the photo). But Hordak is already produced and likely heading for a boat this week to make his way to our distribution center for sale next month!
We produced Zodac, Hordak and Man-At-Arms in the same quantity as Mer Man (who was produced in higher quanty than previous figures himself). In reaction to the quick sales of Mer Man last month we have increased production again, and the first figure we will be able to increase is Tri-Klops.
We are committed to continuing to work with fans to increase production and hit that sweet spot. In the meantime, here’s Hordak carded! Note the longer “Grayskull” loincloth and increased paint ops on the final version.