3A Toys is releasing the extremely popular Meat is Murder set from the World War Robot line, this time in 1/12 Portable scale. The pre-order opens up this evening at 6PM PST, with two sets available at Bambaland (but be prepared for surprise drops). The regular set includes an impressive five figures – a Grunt, 2 Squares, a Dropcloth, and an Armstrong – all in the JEA Marine MiM colorway, for $160. The second set is exclusive to 3AA members and adds a Harold for $200 total – but remember 3AA members get a 15% discount.
Speaking of Harolds, I’ve got a 1/6 scale JEA Marine Harold up on eBay right now – the thing is massive, so I’ve opted to just keep the 1/12 version for my collection. Thanks for looking!
WWRp (1/12th scale) JEA MIM set pre-order opens on March 14th at Bambalandstore and as mentioned previously, it’s 160USD shipped (prior to 3AA discount).
We will be offering 3AA exclusive JEA MIM deluxe set as well, it will feature Harold MIM and will be 200USD shipped.
The second phase of 3A Toys’ World War Robot franchise begins today, with the pre-order of the WWR EVOL Marquis de Plume. For the time-zone challenged, that takes place on Bambaland starting at 8PM EST today. The Marquis de Plume will cost $130 (includes shipping), and 3AA members will be able to pre-order an exclusive set with a Prey Box for $15 more. No official pics yet of the Prey Box, but 3A says it will be different from the one shipped as a bonus in 2013’s 3AA membership kit to folks who’ve been members since its inception.
3A will also have two Marquis de Plume t-shirts available. Price has not been revealed, but they’re typically priced like the ones you get at rock concerts – in other words, get ready to empty your wallets. As Eminem rapped – love is evil (spell it backwards). Profound.
One of the toy companies I was most looking forward to is 3A Toys, who are at Toy Fair this year to increase their presence with retailers. They’ve generated a very dedicated grass roots fan base in the past several years producing toys based on the artwork of co-owner Ashley Wood. More recently, they’ve been branching out with licensed properties – and one of the ones I’ve found most interesting is their collaboration with Marvel.
The first 1/6 figure to come out of this collaboration is Iron Man – he’s currently available to pre-order at Bambaland (3A’s online store) in four different colorways. In addition to 3A’s unique styling for the character, Iron Man will feature mostly hidden articulation, via a thin skin covering joints that are usually exposed – in this case over the elbows and knees. I’ve been curious to see how this will look the more bent they are – the figures shown at Toy Fair show a little bunching with bent elbows, but not as much as I expected.
I think I would have preferred the joints to be exposed, like they are with Dr. Doom, the next figure that they’ve revealed. While the skin does make Iron Man look pretty sleek, he is after all a guy in a suit of armor, so joints wouldn’t be out of place. The WIP Doom looks pretty damn awesome. In previous Q&A’s Ash has said Spider-Man and Ultron are the next to come, but expect this line to have a slow burn, due to 3A’s meticulous design and development process. It took about a year from the initial Iron Man announcement to having the figure available to pre-order.
Photo credit: CoolToyReview.com – many more excellent pictures of 3A’s Toy Fair booth
The collaboration between 3A Toys and Marvel will see its first product, the 1/6 scale Invincible Iron Man, go up for pre-order in the evening on February 12 (at 8PM EST if they stick to the standard time) at Bambaland. Still no detail on price for either the four-pack or single figures. The Stark Industries Prototype colorway is 3AA exclusive on its own, but available to all in the four pack. And it looks like only the classic red and gold and the Silver Centurion colorways will make it to retailers down the line.
Seeing more of these pictures has me wondering how well the flexible “skin” over the arms and legs will look with the elbows and knees bent. For now, the best view is on the Stealth Iron Man – zoomed in I think you can see some folds. I suppose it’s a trade-off – it looks pretty sleek, but then again, a guy in an armored suit might be expected to have some visible joints.
In my excitement over the announcement of the Invincible Iron Man pre-order from the 3A Toys and Marvel collaboration, I nearly forgot about this pre-order for another 3A collaboration – this time between Ashley Wood and Kenny Wong, for Seamonkey and Snowpea. If you’re looking for a backstory for these characters, I won’t be able to help. All I can tell you is that Kenny Wong’s Seamonkey, the steampunk-looking diving suit, was shown back in 2009 at Hong Kong Venture (an art show hosted by 3A). Shortly after, 3A announced they would produce Seamonkey as part of their Showcase line, which houses the lines that aren’t Ashley Wood’s IP. (While Showcase works with independent artists, it also holds the Marvel license.) Ash’s contribution to this collab is Snowpea, Seamonkey’s bikini-clad pilot.
But you don’t really care about all that, do you? I mean, it’s a robot diving suit with a babe pilot. It’s in 1/12 scale so that mech suit is huge. Up now at Bambaland, you can pre-order Seamonkey and Snowpea as a set for $230 and three color variant pilots, individually for $45 each. The pilots come with two heads – masked and unmasked. The pre-order window opened last night – not sure how long it will stay up. Continue reading “On Sale Now: ThreeA Toys Seamonkey and Snowpea”