Action Figure Express has two sets of X-Men Minimates on the way. Each set will feature four of the original X-Men, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, and Beast – in their X-Factor and first appearance costumes. You can pick up the fifth member, Angel, in his X-Factor costume in a Toys R Us two-pack with Warpath. I’m not sure if there’s been a first appearance Angel announced.
Here’s the entire wave, which also features Cyclops, Beast, and Rogue, also in their Jim Lee 90’s duds, and Black Queens Jean Grey and variant Selene with the Hellfire Club Guard army builder.
Marvel Minimates 34 - Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Rogue, Black Queen Jean Grey, Black Queen Selene (variant), and Hellfire Club Guard
Alright, DST fooled me by saying “Jean Grey is not the variant” – did anyone guess Selene? This still leaves two spots in the lineup for Marvel Minimates Series 34. I’m still hoping for more Hellfire Club, but I think anything X-Men goes now.
Art Asylum The true variant of Series 34 – Selene!
More Marvel Minimates news – a Spider-Man four-pack that includes a battle-damaged Spidey and three fan favorites – a new Black Cat, Doc Ock, and Vulture. Entertainment earth has this listed for an April 2010 delivery.
Are you a friend or a foe?
Spider-Man has met so many interesting characters in his many adventures. He has also had to battle many a nefarious villain along the way. Picking the all time favorites is a herculean task to say the least! To help you along the way and help expand your Minimates collection we are bringing you the Friends and Foes 4 pack. Featuring a battle-ravaged Spider-Man, and new version of Black Cat, the evil Doc Ock, and Vulture! Build your Marvel Minimates Universe to even greater heights!
Although Art Asylum is no longer taking guesses for the remaining figures in Marvel Minimates Series 34, at least for a chance to win some zombies, there’s still three figures remaining, after the reveal of the Black Queen Jean Grey today.
The Black Queen isn’t the variant, for the series, and since the variant is usually packed with the army builder, we may have three Hellfire Club characters to go, with one of them being a variant.
I had to check the Marvel Minimates visual guide, and the White Queen has already been made in her Hellfire Club outfit. Could we possibly get a Sebastian Shaw and a MasterMind? Or maybe I’m overthinking this, and one of the remaining slots is for a Wolverine in a new brown and tan deco (edit: dur dur, of course he was in the tiger stripe costume vs. the Hellfire Club!) and battle-damaged variant. Too obvious?
Art Asylum You’ve been patient, so here’s the next Marvel Minimates Series 34 star – Black Queen Jean Grey!