Whether you’ve ordered a set or case online or found the Marvel Legends All-Father wave at retail, chances are you’ve got one or two of the most excellent Build-a-Figures from the wave, Odin or Old Man Thor, waiting to be completed. Right now, you’re in luck – Amazon has the likely candidates you need to complete your BAFs in stock:
For good measure, Sentry and Machine Man are also available at the $21.99 price, but Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel are jacked up in price (who says no one wants female action figures?) Update: Captain Marvel is back down to $21.99 – get her while you can! Update 2: The entire All-Father wave is available for $19.99 at Toys R Us. Thanks to Pmizzey for the heads up!
I had an extra Hawkeye from my case and got Iron Fist a couple days ago, so now I’ve got Thor on his way with that last leg for my Old Man Thor BAF. All around, I’m very pleased with this wave and the two BAFs – more pics soon.