SDCC 2013: Hasbro Marvel Universe Rebranded to the Marvel Movies

Hasbro Marvel Movie Legends (5 of 12) Hasbro Marvel Movie Legends (1 of 12)

After 6 years running with the Marvel Universe brand, in 2014 Hasbro will be refreshing both its Marvel Universe and Marvel Legends lines. During the Hasbro Marvel panel, Hasbro revealed that next year, Marvel Universe will be rebranded to the Avengers, while Legends will be aligned with the Marvel movies during the year.

The Hasbro Marvel team revealed two of three movies that would carry the Legends line forward: Captain America and Spider-Man. Presumably the third will be Guardians of the Galaxy, although Hasbro is still staying mum.

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SDCC 2013: Hasbro Marvel Panel Video

Hasbro Marvel Universe 2014 (from Panel)

Hasbro held its Marvel panel yesterday afternoon, featuring Adam Biehl, Dwight Stall, and Maalvika Mantripragada from the Hasbro Marvel team, and Jesse Falcon from Marvel licensing. They elaborate on the plans touched upon during our interview with Adam and Dwight for the Marvel Universe brand (that encompasses the Legends 6-inch and Universe 3.75-inch lines) – those plans include a brand refresh and new options for distribution.

Some new figure prototypes revealed during the panel will be in the Hasbro Marvel booth today, so stay tuned for some Instapics.

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SDCC 2013: Interview with Hasbro’s Marvel Team

Hasbro Marvel Diorama (2 of 12)

Sandman and I met with Adam Biehl (Vice President, Global Marvel Line at Hasbro) and Dwight Stall (Senior Marvel Product Design Manager, Hasbro) today for a brief conversation about Marvel Legends and the related 6-inch Marvel action figure lines. We talked about the health and direction of the Marvel lines, issues with distribution and the fate of running change variants, and more.

This was a great lead-in to the Hasbro Marvel panel, which we will be posting in full later this morning.

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SDCC 2013: Hot Toys at the Sideshow Collectibles Booth

Hot Toys (24 of 60)

I had been wanting to get to the Sideshow booth to check out the Hot Toys displays – it’s always one of the highlights of SDCC for me. I got my chance yesterday afternoon – and would have had an Instapics post up sooner, if it wasn’t for the massive congestion in the cellular network. All afternoon, a lot of folks in the San Diego Convention Center were having trouble making calls and sending texts, not to mention uploading pictures to the AFPRon Instagram account. 😀

Despite frustrations trying to keep connected, the Hot Toys showing did not disappoint. As you might expect, there was a ton of Avengers and Iron Man figures on display, but when you add in Robocop, G.I. JOE, Lone Ranger, and the growing DC licenses, there was something good for everybody.

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Hot Toys Teases Two More Marvel Figures at Sideshow for SDCC

Hot Toys Avengers Chitauri Teaser Hot Toys Iron Man Igor Teaser

Coincidentally, as if we already didn’t have enough reasons to visit the Sideshow booth at SDCC, Hot Toys had to give us two more. The Marvel movie franchises will continue to be a license to print money, with the Chitauri soldier from the Avengers movie and the Mark 38 Igor heavy lifter from Iron Man 3.

And speaking of Marvel movies, aren’t we due for an updated Wolverine figure from the movie coming in just over a week? Snikt.

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