AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 5/1/11

Ok, we’re a few days behind for the latest Ask Matty Q&A, and these were from WonderCon. Thanks to the Mattel team for these answers.

1) Hurricane Hordak looks like a great quarterly bonus figure for Masters of the Universe Classics. Will his arm attachments be compatible with those from Roboto and Trap Jaw? What was the rationale behind including the dial on his back?

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Yes, as announced at Wonder Con his attachments will indeed work like Trap Jaw or Roboto incase we ever want to do some re-decos down the road for a Weapon Pak.

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Yet Another DC Universe Classics Custom Batman!

Yep, another custom Batman! What can I say? I can’t turn down an opportunity to make a Batman. This one in particular was created for big time Dark Knight fan; batmego27. It was a bit daunting because batmego27 has some very nice custom Batman figures made by other talented customizers like Fwoosh’s Prodigy (who has made a gazillion great custom Batmans) and world famous Matt Cauley, AKA Iron Cow.

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WonderCon 2011 – Booth Babes and Cosplay

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I love that WonderCon is a local show for me. Toy Fair is a trek, and even though San Diego is a short hour and a half flight away, it’s great not to have to deal with airports and hotels to soak in some pop culture and toys. But one thing that’s definitely changed in the past couple of years is how many people are showing up to WonderCon. It doesn’t have nearly the space or exhibitors compared to San Diego Comic-Con, but it’s starting to match SDCC in terms of people density. And a lot of those people show up in costume.

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WonderCon 2011 – Batman Legacy

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Continuing our coverage of Mattel’s display at WonderCon, here’s a look at the line-up of Batman Legacy, due out this fall. Featuring a mix of repaints, kitbashes, some new tooling and some completely new figures, this looks to be a line extension that will transition into movie toys for The Dark Knight Rises next year. While there’s some figures here that I can’t wait to get, I hope that this will transition into something more like Green Lantern Classics at the start of 2012, with more new figures of Batman and especially his rogues gallery.

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C2E2 2011 – Picture Rundown and Mattel Voltron Update

C2E2 – Chicago Comics & Entertainment Expo just wrapped up this Sunday and AFP was there to cover all the cool new toy coming out soon. Here is a quick look rundown of the most news-worthy items at the convention.

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