We missed a Q&A round but are back with more Matty Questions and Answers – well, at least the answers they were able to give. A couple this round probed a little too deeply.
1. Nice pictures of Battle Armor He-Man – he was one of my faves as a kid. Will he be the first to have a personalized white mailer box? When will I get to see one of those mailer boxes with Jitsu printed on it? 😀
Yes, Battle Armor He-Man will be the first with his name on the white box. Jitsu will also have his name on the box, but we have yet to announce when he will be available. (nice try!)
In AFP’s Border Patrol, we scour active eBay auctions for customized action figure that you won’t want to let slip by!
1/6 Dark Knight Bat Signal – I somehow missed this in my last pass, so there’s only a few hours left on this fully-functional, custom Dark Knight Bat Signal – ends Dec 01, 200913:54:24 PST
ROTF G1 Optimus Prime – Sabrina Ng has kicked it up a notch with richer colors and working LEDs – ends Dec 05, 200920:39:02 PST
Marvel Legends Black Panther – you’ll have to tilt your head, but this Black Panther comes with interchangeable heads for a simple but wonderfully executed classic look – ends Dec 07, 200920:34:29 PST
I guess my good news / bad news post from earlier today was really good news *and* more good news. The remaining Dark Knight figures that I thought may have stalled out are actually just being produced in higher numbers for a run that will now include Toys R Us in the spring of next year. And with the bigger production run comes a lower $15 price tag. That’s a lot more palatable.
You’ll be able to get these figures first on MattyCollector.com. I’m curious what price they’ll be when they hit TRU.
The Dark Knight Toys Coming to Toys “R” Us
The Dark Knight Movie Masters Two-Face
Hey Dark Knight Fans,
I’ve got a hot update on Movie Masters™ The Dark Knight products…
You already know that initially the plan was to offer one new figure per month at MattyCollector.com. Thanks to you, loyal Dark Knight fans, sales have been so good that we’re feeling confident enough to increase production and also bring the line to Toys “R” Us in the spring.
The good news is that you’ll be able to walk into your local Toys “R” Us and find The Dark Knight figures. The even better news? You’ll still be able to get them at MattyCollector.com and because of the increased production numbers, we’ll be reducing the price to just $15 each!
Here’s how it’ll go down: The Joker as Gotham City Thug figure started out here on MattyCollector.com, and will continue to be a MattyCollector.com exclusive as long as we’ve got stock. The remaining six figures in the line will be available here first, one each month for the new price of $15 each. Then this spring they’ll all be available at Toys “R” Us except for The Joker as Gotham City Thug. At press time, here’s how the line is slated for sale here at MattyCollector.com (subject to change, as always):
ON SALE NOW: The Joker as Gotham City Thug — a MattyCollector.com exclusive!
December 15: Survival Suit Bruce Wayne
January 15: Harvey Dent
February 15: The Joker with Missile Launcher
March 15: Scarecrow
April 15: Batman (Night Vision)
May 17: Two-Face
You know I always try to tell you like it is. While this strategy won’t work for every Mattycollector.com line, when the second-highest grossing film of all time* is behind a toy line, it gives us a unique opportunity to bump up production numbers and offer it at retail as well so even more fans can get the characters they want.
I’ll let you know as soon as we have expected on-shelf dates. We really appreciate everyone’s support for this great line!
Mattel’s latest collector line update is a good news / bad news report. The good: the He-Man re-release sold out within a few hours and Scareglow the next day, and Mattel also posted on Facebook that the Color of Fear 2-pack is the best selling DC Universe Classics 2-pack yet. For Masters of the Universe Classics, I wonder if the He-Man sell-out there’s a whole new crop of collectors who jumped on board for the line. And for DCUC, I hope the strength of sales helps convince Mattel to continue the 2-packs after next month’s Animal Instincts, which is reportedly the last for the time being.
The bad news: the continuation of the Dark Knight figures on MattyCollector.com may be stalled out. The bank robber Joker was posted a month late, and is still available. Since Mattel won’t commit to Survival Suit Bruce Wayne in December (the originally posted sales date was October 15), I am wondering if they’re waffling on continuing the line. A lot of people weren’t thrilled with the $20 price tag, so it wouldn’t be surprising if sales are lackluster.
This upcoming Monday is the Mattycollector.com sale day in November. Scareglow is the MOTU Classics subscription figure and He-Man is a bonus re-issue – so now’s a great time to jump into the line if you missed out before. I’m also looking forward to the Color of Fear DC Universe Classics 2-pack. With DCUC 11 starting to hit the US, Green Lantern fans should be pretty happy.
Mattycollector.com did not mention the next Dark Knight Movie Masters figure that was supposed to be available in November too – the prototype suit Batman. The bank robber Joker figure that went on sale in October is still available. I wonder if Mattel is having second thoughts about releasing the rest of these. A lot of people balked at the $20 price tag. It’d be a shame if the Harvey Dent and Two-Face figures never got released.
MOTU He-Man® & Scareglow™ on Sale 11/16
By Matty
Hey Toy Fans!
Our November 16th sale is coming up soon and it’s a doozie! From MOTU, we’ll have good guy He-Man® and bad guy Scareglow™.
We’ve also got a pair of first-evers with the DCU Classics The Color of Fear™ Romat Ru & Karu-Sil 2-pack and a JLU Doom Patrol™ 4-pack with Negative Man, Elasti-Girl, Robot Man, and Mento making their debuts in action figure form!
MattyCollector.com is the only place you’ll find them, so be here when they go on sale at 12:00 noon Eastern (9:00am Pacific).