For the past two weeks, Entertainment Earth has been providing weekly installments of the production process for Greedo, the first of Hasbro’s Star Wars Black Series wave 2 figures that’s been revealed. This week we get a close-up look at a couple more 3D renders, perhaps the final ones, of the Greedo sculpt.
This follows the first update in which we saw Greedo’s blaster, holster, and hands, and last week’s update where we saw the painstaking detailed feedback provided by the Hasbro Star Wars team, which resulted in this render. And if you still haven’t, you can pre-order Star Wars Black Series wave one.

(Click for full image)
In collaboration with Hasbro, Entertainment Earth is proud to introduce a never-before-seen figure in the second wave of the BLACK SERIES 6-inch scale action figure line! During the next few weeks, we will release images that give fans an inside look at the development of this great new character — concept to final product. Visit weekly to see what we reveal in this exciting line that features incredible accuracy and articulation.
via Action Figures, Toys, Bobble Heads, and Collectibles at Entertainment Earth.