What happens when you take the greatest tool of kid’s art and combine it with a popular 2-inch block figure? You get colorful, poseable, collectible fun! Presenting Crayonmates – a new line from Diamond Select Toys, a Certain Unnamed Crayon Company and Waxy Buildup Toys.

By combining the playability of the Minimate body with the bright, friendly colors of traditional crayons, Crayonmates is a figure line that kids and collectors can’t resist. And while you can’t actually draw with them, each Crayonmate will come with a matching crayon for real coloring action.

Crayonmates will be available in two different box sets. The first set features the primary colors – Red, Yellow and Blue – with a bonus Brown Crayonmate.

The second set has the secondary colors – Green, Orange and Purple – with a special Pink Crayonmate.

And don’t miss the Toys R’ Us exclusive two-pack of Black and White Crayonmates!

NAME: Jeff Stephens
EMAIL: jeff@boydstep.com
CUSTOM FIGURE WEBSITE: http://www.boydstep.com/minimates
Each Crayonmate is made from a repainted Minimate, with a new custom crayon tip made from Magic Sculpt added to their heads. Their colors were carefully blended to match actual crayons. The Crayonmates then got water-transfer decal stripes for the final crayon-like touch.
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