DC Collectibles revealed four exclusives for San Diego Comic-Con via USA Today. They found the Superman in the Aardman style ($24.95) most interesting, but the four-pack of Green Lantern characters in the 3.75-inch scale ($49.95) is what caught my eye. It’s got Sinestro in his Green Lantern costume, Arkillo from the Sinestro Corps, Black Hand, and the feline fiend from the Red Lantern Corps – Dex-Starr.
Also of note, Hugo Strange from Batman: Arkham City ($29.95) – the only other Hugo Strange I know of was back when DCC was still DC Direct, but that was just his head on a Batman figure. This will be the first time I’ve seen him in action figure form in something resembling his normal lab coat / doctor’s get-up. Rounding out the exclusives is a 3-pack of Supergirl, Batgirl, and Wonder Girl in animated style ($49.95)
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