Those of you who have known me for a while know that I am a big Cosmic Odyssey fan. And while many people think that DC Universe Classics is a toy line paying homage to Super Powers, my fandom has helped me realize the incontrovertible truth that DCUC is actually a toy line for Cosmic Odyssey*.
However, long before DCUC Wave 11 was announced, my collection was sorely missing two characters – the Green Lantern John Stewart and the Martian Manhunter J’onn J’onnz. When RoboKillah from the Fwoosh made his custom John Stewart, I knew that I would need to enlist him to create one for me in the costume John wore in Cosmic Odyssey. It wasn’t easy, but me sending him fodder unsolicited combined with my incessant whining resulted in this fine custom.
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