DC Universe Classics Wave 10, Part Dos – thefwoosh.com

VeeBee at the Fwoosh completed his First Look at DC Universe Classics wave 10, exclusive to Wal-Mart. Mattel has said that Wal-Mart significantly increased their order size, so I am hopeful that wave 10 will be much easier to find than wave 5, which included Amazo, Atom, Black Lightning, Eradicator, Riddler, and Metallo (C&C).

Wave 10, with Batman, Beast Boy, Forager, Joker, Man-Bat, Power Girl, Robotman, and Imperiex (C&C), looks to be packed solid with winners. Except maybe for Imperiex, the Collect and Connect figure. Not that he’s not imposing and a nice looking figure, but I don’t know anything about him, but don’t feel bad because many of my colleagues with deep comic knowledge were also stumped.

Power Girl really looks like she’s turned out quite nicely. Might be the best paint apps translation from prototype to production.

Check out many many many more pics at Fwoosh’s DCUC Wave 10 First Look.

DC Universe Classics Wave 10 - Batman, Robotman, Beast Boy, Power Girl, Imperiex (C&C), Joker, and Man-Bat
DC Universe Classics Wave 10 - Batman, Robotman, Beast Boy, Power Girl, Imperiex (C&C), Joker, and Man-Bat

Ding! Ding! Ding! Round two coming ‘atcha! Yesterday we brought you a First Look at the upcoming DCUC 10 Batman, Joker, Man-Bat and Beast Boy; today we have your sneak peek at the rest of the wave (well most of it anyway) as we now have pictures of Power Girl, Robotman and the Collect and Connect figure, the imposing Imperiex.

via First Look – DC Universe Classics Series 10 Part 2 | thefwoosh.com.

DC Universe Classics Wave 10, Part Uno – thefwoosh.com

No, we’re not doing an homage to DC’s Countdown.  Just as we put up the second part of AFi’s DC Universe Classics wave 10 archive, Fwoosh hits us with part one of their look at the Wal-Mart exclusive wave 10, with Beast Boy, Batman, Joker, and Man-Bat.  There’s so much to like here, and VeeBee has really turned it up a notch with a very in depth, picture heavy First Look at these figures.

I’m drawn in particular to the Joker, who, with his Joker Fish accessory, looks to have leaped off of the late, great Marshall Rogers’ drawing board.  There’s nothing I can even nitpick about on the figure, other than that I’ll miss the “BANG” gun that he had been previously shown with.

It happens every so often that you get one of those figures and after you open it and put it on your shelf and admire it for a tick, you can just say, “Wow, I don’t think I will ever need another figure of this character”, because it is executed so well. That has happened to me a few times with past DCUC figures but I have to say, there might be several new definitive figures coming out of series 10.

via First Look – DC Universe Classics Series 10 Part 1 | thefwoosh.com.

DC Universe Classics Wave 10, Part Deux – AFi

ActionFigureInsider completes their archive of the upcoming Wal-Mart exclusive wave of DC Universe Classics with the Joker, Man-Bat, Batman, and the Collect and Connect figure, Imperiex.

It’s a bummer that the Joker lost his “BANG!” gun, but Bats did pick up a Batarang on top of his Bat-Computer.  What’s the best name for it – Bat-top?  Bat-book?  You decide!

Many many many more pics in their Toy Archive.

DC Universe Wave 10 - Man-Bat, Beast Boy, Power Girl, Imperiex (C&C), Forager, Batman, Robotman
DC Universe Wave 10 - Man-Bat, Beast Boy, Power Girl, Imperiex (C&C), Forager, Batman, Robotman

We have Wave 10 in hand and can show you the full photo features on each figure in this upcoming Walmart exclusive wave. We showed you the first half of the wave last week, and now we can bring you the rest, including the highly anticipated Joker figure and the Collect and Connect Imperiex figure.



via Action Figure Insider – Best Toy News on the Web! Mattel’s DCUC Wave 10 – Part 2.

MOTU Classics Tri-Klops and More On Sale August 17

Two updates from Mattel – first, they’ve posted a reminder for me to remind you that the Masters of the Universe Classics Tri-Klops is on sale on Mattycollector.com at Noon EST.  I’m looking forward to seeing if he can dethrone Man-At-Arms as the baddest badass on my MOTU shelf.

Tri-Klops may be the big item for me, but there’s a whole mess of stuff going up tomorrow, so be ready for some red screens of death.

Big sale on Monday! MOTUC Tri-Klops, Infinite Heroes Crisis 4 pack, JLU Shazam pack, plus a few retail Batman Brave and the Bold and Dark Knight items! Check out MattyCollector.com at 12 noon eastern Aug 17th!

I’m not exactly sure which Brave and the Bold and Dark Knight products are going up tomorrow, but posted pics of all that’s currently up there.  Matty will also have a 1:24 die cast Lightning McQueen, so it could get a little crazy, with both action figure and Hot Wheels collectors converging on the site.

Mattel also posted a round-up of sorts of the latest Ask Matty sessions (AFP’s latest Ask Matty Round-Up was posted yesterday).  They touch on a lot of sore spots, for example, $20 Dark Knight Movie Masters, bonus figures not in Club Eternia, and Gleek.  Not sure if the explanations will soothe the folks who are raging over them, but at least Mattel understands that some people are upset.  And a new hurt for folks on the east coast – Mattel won’t be at New York Comic-Con next year.  That’s not surprising, since it’s in October, during the prime selling season for big box retailers.

Continue reading “MOTU Classics Tri-Klops and More On Sale August 17”

AFP’s Ask Matty Round-Up for 8/15/9

Now that the whirlwind of San Diego Comic-Con is behind us, Mattel is back at the never-ending task of answering our fan questions.  If you’ve got something you’d like to ask Matty in a future installment, leave us a comment and we’ll try to incorporate it an upcoming batch.

Here’s the latest set of Q&A.  Thanks to Mattel and Toy Guru!

1. Great showing at SDCC! Of the various new announcements that Mattel made at SDCC (or shortly thereafter), which one are you most excited about and why?

The World’s Greatest Superheroes and 12” Movie Masters of Superman and Zod are personal favorites. The first World’s Greatest figure, Green Arrow, will be on MattyCollector on 12/15/09 followed by a retail wave in late Spring 2010. These will be incredible!

Continue reading “AFP’s Ask Matty Round-Up for 8/15/9”

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