DC Universe Classics Wave 10 – AFi

Our friends at ActionFigureInsider received an early set of the Wal-Mart exclusive wave of DC Universe Classics.  They’ve just published pics of Beast Boy, Forager, Power Girl, and Robotman.

Many more pictures in their Toy Archive.

Cosmic Odyssey update: another one bites the dust with Forager! 😀  John Stewart is coming, but where oh where is Martian Manhunter?

Just this week you saw the carded images of Wave 10 of Mattel’s DC Universe Classics line on Matty’s Facebook page as well as here on AFi.

Now we have Wave 10 in hand and can show you the full photo features on each figure in this upcoming Walmart exclusive wave. We’re going to break this wave up into two parts.

via Action Figure Insider – Best Toy News on the Web! AFi Toy Archive Mattel’s DC Universe Classics Wave 10 Feature- Part 1.

Custom Con 23 – August 10 – 14

Custom Con 23 is on this week, hosted graciously by Joe Acevedo after the Fwoosh requested a switch to the winter slot.  Since we switched to three Custom Cons a year, the summer slot seems to be the lightest, but there’s still a bunch of great entries to look at.

Here’s some of my favorites so far.

DC Universe Classics Wave 10 Packaged Pics

Mattel has updated its Facebook page with packaged pics of wave 10 of DC Universe Classics, which is exclusive to Wal-Mart.  I was wondering how they were able to get Power Girl and her prodigious cleavage into the family-friendly juggernaut retailer, and I wonder if her sideways packaged stance is by Wal-Mart’s request.

Beast Boy.jpgBatman (Morrison JLA).jpgForager.jpgJoker.jpgMan-Bat.jpgPower Girl.jpgRobotman.jpg

  • Beast Boy – Beast Boy with pack out animal form. Looks familiar…
  • Batman – Batman is back, all in black. Check out the all new Bat-Laptop!
  • Forager – Forager joins the New God rebellion!
  • Joker – Where does he get all those wonderful accessories?
  • Man-Bat – By popular request, Kirk in brown deco. Prob the only time we will ever re-issue a former SDCC item.
  • Power Girl – Not the final pack out. Her head will be turned a bit more forward.
  • Robotman – Cliff’s head case is removable to see his brain!

via Mattycollector.com’s Photos – DCUC Wave 9 (sic)

DC Universe Classics Gotham City 5 Now Hitting Wal-Mart

The DC Universe Classics Gotham City 5 has been found at a couple of Wal-Marts in Houston.  The 5-pack, which is exclusive to Wal-Mart, includes:

  • a new Lex Luthor in his iconic purple and green jumpsuit,
  • Superman from the Braniac / Superman 2-pack but with normal eyes,
  • Batman from the Batman / Clayface 2-pack but without the mud splatters,
  • Two-Face from DCSH with new paint deco, and
  • and Catwoman from DCSH with new paint deco.

I’ve got no explanation why it’s called the Gotham City 5.

elmeaux from TheFwoosh.com snapped some pretty good pictures.  You can see the entirety of them in this post: DCUC Walmart 5 pack released.

AFP’s Gleek Giveaway Now Closed

Gleek is peering into your very soul! (original credit: Ibentmymanthing)
Gleek is peering into your very soul! (original credit: Ibentmymanthing)

Thank you very much to all who signed up for one or more of AFP’s free updates services.  Silly me – I didn’t take a count of how many subscribers we had prior to the start of the contest, but as close as I can tell, we picked up:

  • Close to 400 new e-mail subscribers,
  • around 230 new fans on Facebook,
  • and around 80 new followers on Twitter.

Who knew a little blue monkey from an 80’s Saturday morning cartoon would be so popular today?

Please check your e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter accounts – a little over an hour ago I finished sending messages to the three lucky subscribers who were favored by Microsoft Excel.  If you didn’t get a message from me on how to claim your prize, I’m sorry!  It’s the fault of the random number generator algorithms!

This little promotion has really exceeded all my expectations, so thank you once again, and thanks to Toy Guru, Mattel, and my buddies at TheFwoosh.com for making this possible.  I hope that you’ve found our content informative and fun, and that you’ll continue to follow us on ActionFigurePics.com!

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