Last Day – Sign Up for the Fwoosh’s Secret Summer Custom Swap

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My apologies to Thwiptster – have had this in the queue but with travel have not been able to post. Today is the deadline to sign up for Fwoosh’s Secret Summer Custom Swap. This is in the same vein as the Secret Santa event that’s been held over the past couple of years and has produced some really fantastic customized action figures.

Read on for more information and a sampling of customs the past events have produced, and sign up in the Secret Summer Custom Swap thread on the Fwoosh.

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Border Patrol: Marvel Legends Hellstrom, DC Universe Classics Zauriel, and Transformers Masterpiece Blitzwing

We almost had an Angels and Demons theme this week (posted late because I’m on the road).

Marvel Legends Daimon Hellstrom 1 Marvel Legends Daimon Hellstrom 2 Marvel Legends Daimon Hellstrom 3

Marvel Legends Daimon Hellstrom by Cal – I can forgive the use of the modern Hellstorm name on this classic Defender – just a couple hours left so don’t miss out! – ends Mar 07, 2013 18:10:55 PST

In AFP’s Border Patrol, we scour active eBay auctions for customized action figures that you won’t want to let slip by!

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Batman: Curse of the Demon! – Part One – First Contact –

Are you ready for an epic Batman tale? Bill has shared his latest comic, the first in a three-part series spanning Batman’s career. Here’s Batman: Curse of the Demon! – Part One – First Contact, and be sure to check out more of his comics at Bill’s Comics.

Batman: Curse of the Demon! – Part One – First Contact

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Border Patrol: Masters of the Universe Classics Granymyr (Green), Marvel Legends Surtur, and DC Universe Classics Red Hood

MOTUC Granamyr 1 MOTUC Granamyr 2 MOTUC Granamyr 3

Masters of the Universe Classics Granymyr (in green) by Hunter Knight Customs – after the Mattel fan vote to pick Granymyr’s color gave the win to red, they announced it was unlikely they’d reissue Granymyr in green – this might be one of the few chances for fans of the mini-comic Granymyr to grace your shelves – ends Feb 24, 2013 18:53:55 PST

In AFP’s Border Patrol, we scour active eBay auctions for customized action figures that you won’t want to let slip by!

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Masters of the Universe Classics Castle Grayskull and Club Filmation Pre-Orders Open Now and Ram Man and Jitsu on Sale 2/15

MattyCollector Filmation Subscription Sale

As if the February sale wasn’t already big enough, with the Masters of the Universe Classics Ram Man pushed from January and pimp-handed Jitsu going on sale – Mattel has also re-opened pre-orders on Castle Grayskull and started taking pre-orders for the new 6 figure subscription for MOTUC Filmation characters. There’s so much going on with Masters that it’s almost an afterthought that DC Universe Classics Phantom Stranger is also going on sale tomorrow.

Icer, Shakoti, and Batros were revealed as the Filmation subscriptions first three figures, for July, August, and September respectively. And hoping that the reveal of Castle Grayskull would be enough to motivate folks still on the edge, Mattel re-opened the pre-order page for another go. However, they’ve increased the price to $275, with the warning that there may not even be a day-of sale – and if there is, the price could be bumped up again.

By now I’m desensitized to the scare tactics Mattel uses in its marketing, but let me ask you this – wouldn’t it be better if they pitched it as a discount to people who pre-order, vs a punishment to those who wait for the day-of sale? C’mon, Mattel – positive reinforcement makes for a much more pleasant sales experience.

Here’s the links for your convenience:

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