Toy Fair 2013: Mattel DC Universe Instapics

We’re at the Mattel Nerd Herd today. Here’s some quick pics of DC Universe:

[instapress tag=”afptf13dc” piccount=”0″ size=”150″ effect=”fancybox”]

Mattel is hosting its event for online media today, the official first day of New York Toy Fair. To get you the pics you want as fast as I can, I’m hooking you into my Instagram feed. If you’re on Instagram, follow me at afpron – that’s for AFP Ron, not AF Pron :). Stay tuned for better pictures soon.

Border Patrol: $1K Customs – Back to the Future Doc Brown and DC Universe Classics Merlyn

In AFP’s Border Patrol, we scour active eBay auctions for customized action figures that you won’t want to let slip by!

After last week’s DC Universe Classics New 52 Robin closed at nearly $2.5K, I decided to take a look at some big money customs this week, and found two that have cleared $1K and keep climbing.

BTTF Doc Brown by Dan Chung  1 BTTF Doc Brown by Dan Chung  2 BTTF Doc Brown by Dan Chung  4 BTTF Doc Brown by Dan Chung  3

Back to the Future 1/6 Scale Doc Emmett Brown by Dan Chung – with the likeness and quality of the figure and accessories, I would hope if any toy company released BTTF figures they could match this (do you hear me, Hot Toys?) – check out Dan Chung’s amazing customs at – ends Feb 06, 2013 20:08:45 PST

DCUC Merlyn by Vernondo 1 DCUC Merlyn by Vernondo 2 DCUC Merlyn by Vernondo 3 DCUC Merlyn by Vernondo 4

DC Universe Classics Merlyn by vernondo – this is a very clean custom, and I guess the lack of Green Arrow villains and Merlyn’s prominence in the Arrow TV series is providing this auction with some legs – ends (in one hour!) Feb 05, 2013 18:22:39 PST

Mattel DC Unlimited “Red Rain” Batman and New 52 Darkseid Pics at Hero Complex

The pre-Toy Fair previews keep coming, with Mattel revealing an Elseworlds vampire Batman and the New 52 Darkseid from the DC Unlimited line via the LA Times Hero Complex site. I’m not too keen on picking up a vampire Batman if Mattel has no plans for his nemesis, Dracula – and I doubt they do. And I can’t help thinking that Darkseid’s lower half got hit by some sort of shrinking ray the Atom whipped up.

Looks like character selection will continue to be limited. With DC Universe Classics scaled back, Mattel’s retail pattern for its Unlimited lines is still holding to either New 52 characters or Batman or Superman.

The Hero Complex also had the Man of Steel Movie Masters Jor-El that we got a look at yesterday.

Photographer BillStylist Cheryl Jo Photographer Michael MicroulisStylist C. Joejob 1249680

The Vampire Batman figure is based on the Batman vampire trilogy (1991′s “Batman and Dracula: Red Rain,” 1994′s “Batman: Bloodstorm” and 1998′s “Batman: Crimson Mist”) from the DC Comics imprint Elseworlds. In the trilogy, by Doug Moench and Kelley Jones, Batman becomes a vampire in order to face Dracula.

All four figures are priced at $14.99 and slated to hit shelves this spring for toy fair season, including the Nuremberg Toy Fair, which runs Jan. 30 through Feb. 4, and the New York Toy Fair, which runs Feb. 10-13.

via ‘Man of Steel’ first look: Russell Crowe gets Jor-El action figure | Hero Complex – movies, comics, pop culture –

Border Patrol: DC Universe Classics Batman, Robin, Superman, and Giganta

In AFP’s Border Patrol, we scour active eBay auctions for customized action figures that you won’t want to let slip by!

DCNU 52 Batman and Robin DCNU 52 Batman DCNU 52 Robin

DC Universe Classics New 52 Batman and Robin by – this pair of the New 52 Caped Crusaders are listed separately but have the odd distinction that Robin is kicking the crap out of Batman – the Boy Wonder is closing in on $2,500, while Bats is floundering at just over $200 – Batman ends Jan 30, 2013 19:04:43 PST and Robin ends Jan 30, 2013 19:01:18 PST

Continue reading “Border Patrol: DC Universe Classics Batman, Robin, Superman, and Giganta”

AFP’s Best of 2012 – Ron’s Picks

It’s almost February, so I figured I better get to my picks (and pics) for Best of 2012! I’ll get us started with one of the choices I included in the Fwoosh Best of 2012 post – the Marvel Legends Build-A-Figure Arnim Zola.

2012 was a great year for Marvel Legends, with Hasbro finally getting the flagship line back to retail. And it was an especially great year for Marvel villains. In the three 2012 waves, we got: Terrax, Constrictor, Klaw, Madame Masque, Madame Hydra, Daken, Mystique, Dr. Doom, Thunderball, and Piledriver. You could even throw in the Marvel Select Ultron.

But none stand above Arnim Zola, the Build-A-Figure for wave 2. C’mon! It’s Arnim Zola!

Best of 2012 - Marvel Legends Arnim Zola

The World War II WMD dealer looks like he popped out of a Jack Kirby drawing. He’s got the classic orange and purple color scheme, with the tunic and skirt. His legs are ribbed for your pleasure, and he’s got the trademark Kirby flare on his crotch flap. And that Zola face? Pure evil.

To top it all off, via the Madames and Wrecking Crew running changes, you can give your classic Zola a modern twist – the BAF pieces that came with Madame Hydra and Piledriver let you build a Red Skull trapped in a Zola construct. That’s why Zola is the best of 2012 – quit arguing and just accept it.

Continue reading “AFP’s Best of 2012 – Ron’s Picks”

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