With Granymyr, Mosquitor, and Procrustus from Masters of the Universe Classics; Platinum, Tin, and Lead for DC Universe Classics; and the final Justice League Unlimited 3-pack with Toyman, Firefly, and Dr. Destiny; there’s plenty that will be on sale on Monday. But Mattel also sent out email yesterday saying that shipments that include Granymyr or Procrustus would be delayed.
We’ve seen Matty doubling up on both MOTUC and DCUC the past two months due to delays caused by our good friend “Logistics” – so it’s no surprise that we’re still seeing the impact of the back up this month. I am guessing that we aren’t seeing the delayed products moving to January because the income statement doesn’t like 2012 product moving to 2013.
As always, for convenience, here’s the link to the MattyCollector bundle page for the 12/17 sale.