MattyCollector 12/17 Sale Has Lots You Can Buy, but Some Deliveries will be Delayed

MattyCollector 12-17 Sale

With Granymyr, Mosquitor, and Procrustus from Masters of the Universe Classics; Platinum, Tin, and Lead for DC Universe Classics; and the final Justice League Unlimited 3-pack with Toyman, Firefly, and Dr. Destiny; there’s plenty that will be on sale on Monday. But Mattel also sent out email yesterday saying that shipments that include Granymyr or Procrustus would be delayed.

We’ve seen Matty doubling up on both MOTUC and DCUC the past two months due to delays caused by our good friend “Logistics” – so it’s no surprise that we’re still seeing the impact of the back up this month. I am guessing that we aren’t seeing the delayed products moving to January because the income statement doesn’t like 2012 product moving to 2013.

As always, for convenience, here’s the link to the MattyCollector bundle page for the 12/17 sale.

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CustomCon 33 – Day Two

CustomCon 33 – Winter 2012

Welcome to CustomCon 33, the sixth installment to be hosted by and!

What is CustomCon?

CustomCon is a special presentation of new custom toy creations by customizers around the globe. Ten years in the running, it’s still going strong. Inspired by the presentations of new product by legitimate manufacturers at Toy Fair and other trade shows, CustomCon is a “fake” convention, whereby customizers present their latest creations and recipes as if unveiling a new line of real toys to retailers. It’s always a lot of fun, for both the viewers and the participants.

If this is your first exposure to a CustomCon, click here to see what’s been offered over the past 32 CustomCons.

DAY TWO: Tuesday, December 11

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CC33: DC Universe Catman Classics by Irobo’dmyron-thing

The line of action figure most wanted by the least amount of vocal collectors on the internet. Just the name brings about thoughts of Thomas Blake frolicking across frozen tundra, leaping over classic rooftops, stalking in the dark of night, and fighting alongside his fellow Sixers against impossible odds.

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Batman: How The Joker Stole Christmas –

Just in time to get you in the holiday spirit, Bill has shared his latest comic, a Batman special called “How The Joker Stole Christmas” – be sure to check out more of his comics at Bill’s Comics.

Batman: How The Joker Stole Christmas

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Mattel DC Unlimited Series 3 Continues with New 52 and Injustice: Gods Among Us

While there has been no official announcement from Mattel, BigBadToyStore has put up pre-orders for the 3rd series of the DC Unlimited line. No big surprises here – we’re going to be getting more of the New 52 designs with Aquaman and Darkseid and more from the Injustice: Gods Among Us video game with Superman and the Joker. From New 52 we’ve already seen Batman and Superman and are waiting on Flash, Wonder Woman, and Hawkman to hit shelves. And from Injustice we’re waiting on Batman from the Batman Unlimited line.

I find the marketing of Mattel’s retail offerings a bit puzzling. I’d think they’d get more pop by putting out an Injustice line separate from their comic offerings. If the game is a hit and spawns a franchise, then they can milk the line the way DC Collectibles has with Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. And if not, at least they’d be able to piggyback on the marketing for the game when it hits next year.

The focus on New 52 is expected but still disappointing to me, in that I’d like it better if Mattel and DC Collectibles could find a way to release complementary products instead of rehashing the same characters and costumes again and again. And sadly for Mattel, DCC has been able to release more New 52 characters sooner (see also Blackest Night and Arkham Asylum / City), rendering the quarterly release schedule of a couple figures here and there somewhat limp.

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