I guess our old friend, Logistics, has struck again, because just like last month, we’ve got double helpings of both Masters of the Universe Classics and DC Universe Classics again this month. For Club Eternia, it’s the Filmation Randor and Dekker, with a bonus of Castle Grayskull Man wrapping up the 30th Anniversary sub. For Club Infinite Earths, it’s Uncle Sam and Constantine.
Is it just me, or is this month’s offerings lacking a big hitter? Rounding out the lineup is the final Ghostbusters offering, Courtroom Ray, who makes for a pretty tame send-off for the line that I think most people hoped would deliver more; and a (final?) JLU 3-pack.
Maybe Matty should have extended the Castle Grayskull (congrats, folks!) pre-order minimum cut-off to today – at least there’d be some excitement. Here’s the bundle page for 11/15 for your convenience.